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A Critical Discourse Analysis Of The News Headlines

Posted on:2018-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F CheFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330512491839Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Halliday(1994)thought that language is a kind of meaning system with multiple choices.People can choose an appropriate language according to their own needs.It is particularly prominent that this characteristic of language embodies in the news reports.The news reports are not totally objective and justice due to the influence of subjective factors and ideologies factors,to a certain extent,there will exist some differences between news media.This thesis selects English news headlines of the South China Sea issue as the research object.It is a new application of critical discourse analysis in the new text type.The data of this thesis are collected respectively from Chinese and American official newspapers websites.There are four events about the South China Sea issue.These four events totally include 321 news headlines.Based on Fairlough’s three-dimensional model(TDM)and Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar(SFG),this thesis conducts a comparative study of Chinese and American mainstream newspapers about the English news headlines reports on the South China Sea issue to explore the differences in language,ideology hidden behind the news headlines and the reason.The main findings of the thesis are: firstly,there are great differences between Chinese and American mainstream newspapers in the lexical classification,transitivity and modality on the news headlines.Through the analysis,it is found that the difference in the news headlines between Chinese and American mainstream media can be attributed to their wide differences in the society and political stance and economic intention etc.Secondly,the news reports are not always fair and the ideology hidden in international and political news always has opacity.To a certain extent,the report penetrates the reporters’ and their own country’s ideologies.This thesis aims to help readers to better understand the differences in language and ideologies hidden in the news headlines through critical discourse analysis on news headlines of the South China Sea issue as well as help to cultivate people’s critical consciousness for political news reports.
Keywords/Search Tags:Critical discourse analysis, English news headline, The South China Sea issue
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