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A Corpus-based Study Of The Discursive Constructions Of Chinese Tourists In The English News Outlets

Posted on:2019-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330545958496Subject:Foreign Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recent years,more and more Chinese citizens are traveling abroad as a result of their uprising income.In the meantime,news media begin to show their interest towards this new group.China Daily,Bangkok Post and BBC,as three influential English news outlets in regional and worldwide,all had plenty of reports on Chinese tourists.Therefore,the research on the discursive constructions of these news reports must have certain value in use and reference in practice.With the news materials retrieved from Factiva,a news database,three English news corpora have been built for research in this thesis.Based on Fairclough’s 3D Framework,one theory in criticaldiscourse analysis,and an innovative introduction of Topic Modeling,a technique from deep learning,into retrieving news discourse topics,the thesis aims to analyze the characteristics and the patterns of the discursive constructions of Chinese tourists in English news outlets,and to disclose the characteristics and the causation of the ideology held behind the discursive constructions of a "real" image of Chinese tourists in English news outlets.Through analysis,the thesis finds that similarities and differences both lie in-between the discursive constructions of Chinese tourists by the three English news outlets.The similarities lie in the following aspects-Firstly,two topics,respectively the economic impacts of Chinese tourists and safety issues of Chinese tourists,are mostly concerned in the description process;Secondly,the specified sources and the semi-identified sources account for the majority in terms of the news sources.The differences lie in the following aspects-Firstly,in terms of the topic concerning Chinese tourists’ uncivilized behaviors,unlike Bangkok Post and BBC,China Daily pays more attention and raises more discussion on it,while Bangkok Post shows a certain degree of understanding and tolerance,and BBC acts as a bystander;Secondly,there is difference on the choices of news sources,China Daily shows the most variety of news sources,while Bangkok Post appears to cite more from Thai official and institute,and BBC acts to be lack of quotation from China side.This thesis is composed by six chapters.In the first chapter,the author mainly lays out a brief introduction about the whole thesis,including research background,research objectives and so on.The second chapter is literature review,which gives a general picture about the previous studies on Chinese tourist image,critical discourse analysis and topic modeling respectively.Chapter three is the theoretical framework of this thesis.In this chapter,Fairclough’s 3D Framework and topic-retrieving utilizing topic modeling are elaborated in detail.Then research design,which includes research data,research methodology and research procedures,are presented in Chapter four.Chapter five,the result and discussion section,are mainly focused on analyzing the processes of description,interpretation and explanation on realizing the discursive constructions of Chinese tourists in different news outlets.The realizations of these processes are represented by different choices of textual topics,news sources,and the difference between institutions and social backgrounds.The last chapter concludes the major findings of the thesis,as well as the limitations and implications of the thesis.The innovation of this thesis lies in the introduction of topic modeling into retrieving topics from news discourse.The thesis also brings new thoughts onto news discourse analysis and construction in related areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:critical discourse analysis, Fairclough’s 3D framework, topic modeling, news discourse
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