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Distribution Of Powers Between Central And Local Governments China Its Implications For Laos PDR

Posted on:2016-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:SOUTHTIDAVONGFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330473966046Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article on China’s distribution of powers between the central and local government’s experience and the existing problems, and in full analysis of Laos powers between the central and local government responsibilities assigned on the basis of the status qua, based on the practical use for reference the experience of China, the state of the Laos comprehensive and Laos should be in what ways are put forward for reference, and how to reference and advice.China distribution between the central and local powers from highly centralized to decentralization and benefits, and then to the combination of political centralization and economic decentralization evolution and development, and exposes the central and local governance division is not clear, the lack of detailed laws and regulations, absence of responsibilities between the central government and local government, offside, dislocation phenomenon is serious, fiscal expenditure responsibility division problems such as unreasonable, also made clear to the public service equalization, political centralization and economic decentralization reform direction. On this basis, this paper obtained the Laos delimit distribution of powers between the central and local government should be reasonable public service remit, matching the finance rights and, to strengthen the construction of legal system, economic development should be based on different stages of the equalization of public service supply, make the combination of political centralization and economic decentralization and other implications.These Revelations for the Lao people’s democratic republic future innovation, development and decision has important significance, at the same time can avoid duplication, little detours, makes Laos explore suitable for their own development path, promote the reform of economic, political, social, and other fields of smoother, faster and more perfect.
Keywords/Search Tags:central and local governments, power distribution, economic decentralization, Laos
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