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The Research Of Criminal Legislation Of Terrorist Activities

Posted on:2017-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M W LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330485459979Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the September Terrorist Attacks, terrorism is rapidly exploding around the world. From the Moscow metro bombings in 2010, the Boston Marathon by 2013 and then to the world shocked November terrorist attacks in Paris France 2015, even Belgium Brussels Airport bombing in March 2016, frequent terrorist crimes had a severe impact globally. In the face of such threats from terrorist organizations, no one could manage alone or stand aloof. Until the 9th Amendment Draft to the Penal Code of PRC has been introduced, the strengthen punishment on terrorist crime by article 120th of the Penal Code is far from dealing with such rampant terrorist activities today. Along with the 9th Amendment Draft to the Penal Code of PRC and Anti-Terrorism Act of PRC enacted, further made up for terrorist activities in frequency and the short of anti-terrorism legislation. However, investigating the domestic terrorist criminal legislation, issues like pragmatism, unsystematic legislative system, unset specific procedures on terrorism crimes and restrictions on technical measures still remains, which makes the legislation punishing terrorist activities in our country still has space to be completed.In the view of these, this article will be divided into three chapters. First chapter will study the basic theory of punishing terrorist crimes, including the definition of terrorist crime conception, terrorism characteristics and types, and the current scope of international terrorism criminal legislation, which are the logical starting of this essay. In addition, base on the domestic law, the author will discuss the current status and limitations of legislation by through substantive law and procedural law in the second chapter. Finally, based on China’s national conditions and the current legislation on punishing terrorist crimes, the author will pay attention to coordination and cohesion between the various legal, from the perfection of both procedural and substantive measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Terrorist activities, Terrorist activity crime, Legislative circumstances, Criminal legislation, Perfect vision
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