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The Role Of Media In Western Middle Powers’ Diplomacy

Posted on:2017-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330536451302Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Applying the theories both from communication and diplomacy,this essay tries to prove that the media are critical for the diplomacy of middle power.The practices of middle power could provide methodological guidance for other countries.Media allow people to access information anytime and anywhere now.Most of the countries,such as United States and United Kingdom,pay attention to the role of media in the field of diplomacy.First,the media get involve with diplomacy by passing diplomatic information.The involvement is driven by the openness of western diplomacy,development of public diplomacy and the media’s capacity.Second,the media get involve with diplomacy through building diplomatic ideology,increasing diplomatic advantage and innovating diplomatic tools.The involvement presents three characteristics,which are decentralization,portability and low cost.Through three research models,which are function model,behavior model and hierarchy model,the finding shows that the diplomacy of middle power requires flexibility and moderateness in order to enhance their impacts.The diplomacy of middle power shows a certain degree of interoperability with the characteristics of media’s participation in diplomacy.Based on the examples of Canada and Australia,this essay will systematically analyze and elaborate the features of the media’s role in middle power’s practices.To explore the ability of media in the diplomacy would be important in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Media, Diplomacy, Middle Power, Canada, Australia
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