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An Analysis Of The Logical Behaviors Of Australia After World War

Posted on:2015-05-15Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y CuiFull Text:PDF
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With the development of international cooperation and interdependence amongstates, Australia and other middle powers (MP) have become a significant force ininternational politics. However, MP studies haven’t received the attention theydeserve. The “middle power” concept is still ill-defined and thinly-studied, resultingin the lack of a functional theoretical framework that can be used to analyzeinternational behaviors of MPs. This dissertation first examines existing MP theory,and identifies five useful theoretical approaches: systemic-structural, systemic-psychological, geopolitical, functional, and behavioral approaches. The Systemic-structural and systemic psychological approaches are used to define MPs, focusing onthe capability and psychological dimensions of such states. The geopolitical,functional, and behavioral approaches are used to analyze the international behaviorsof MPs. The five MP theoretical approaches are combined to perform an exhaustiveanalysis of Australia.Since the MP concept emerged in medieval Europe, it has evolved along thedevelopment of international relations. After World War II, some states started to forman MP identity. Inspired by such national consciousness, these states pursued policiesto secure a better position in the international system, primarily in an effort to obtainprestige and influence beyond their physical capabilities. An MP is defined by twocriteria: it is a state in the international system that possesses capabilities below thegreat states but above the small states, and also it has an explicit MP identity. Adetailed survey of Australian national capabilities--its population, territory, economic,military and diplomatic resources, domestic leadership and international influence--clearly indicate that Australia reflects MP tendencies and aspirations. Both Labor andcoalition governments aim to make Australia a stronger MP. With such a strong MPidentity, Australia makes a good case for the study of MP international behavior.Specifically, Australia’s international behavior after World War II has shown aclear MP logic. Examining Australia’s alliance, regional and multilateral behaviorsthrough the lens of a geopolitical, functional and behavioral analyses respectively,Australia’s international behavior in the above three areas are typical of an MP.Driven by geopolitical and security considerations, Australia established andmaintained a close alliance relationship with the United States after World War II.Besides its historical and cultural ties, Australia’s geopolitical values also contributed to the success of this alliance. Australia’s alliance behavior reflects the capabilityreality and psychological orientation of an MP. In its region, Australia took an activerole in regional affairs, and even created new region concepts to expand its scope ofinfluence and pursue favorable regional order. Such regional behavior also makesAustralia a representative of MP. In addition, in broader international affairs, Australiaattached great importance to multilateral mechanisms; high-profile participation inenterprises like UN peacekeeping, conflict resolution, arms control and environmentalprotection has promoted Australia’s positive international image. Building coalitionswith the like-minded countries is typical of what an MP does to achieve its foreignpolicy goals.When approaching its relations with China as an MP, Australia is clearlyconstrained by the Australia-US alliance relationship, but different Australiangovernments also show various degrees of independence in their China policies. Inthe US-China-Australia triangle, Australia feels compelled to handle the Sino-Australia relationship with more delicacy; but compared with other western greatpowers, Australia often takes a more understanding position towards China’s rise andits needs. Due to geo-economic and geo-political considerations, China also treatsChina-Australia relationship differently than other western powers. Therefore, weargue that in the MP perspective, China and Australia should recalibrate theirstrategies for this bilateral relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:middle power theory, Australia’s international behavior, middle powerdiplomacy, China-Australia relationship
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