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The Predicament Of The Major Executive Decision Making The Publicity Participates In Of Our Country And Methods Research Of Achieving

Posted on:2018-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D OuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330512994426Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In ancient China,the importance of the administration law is equal or at least only inferior to penal code.From "Tang Liu Dian" to "Da Ming Hui Dian" and "Da Qing Hui Dian",which present the pursuit of policy-makers in history in executive legal code.Chinese people who desire to do well can perform greatly.For example,national laws and institutions and the delicate craftsmanship of skilled craftsmen.Chinese people take actions in terms of motivation and recognition.After stepping into the modern society,this opinion also fits contemporary people.The major executive decision making the public participates in is the systemic practices other than achieved easily.It is not feasible for the public and other counterparts to own the lasting motivation and deep sense of recognition the thought in those aspects can solve and analyze several predicaments.However,the beneficial deliberation from various angels and dimensions should be taken if we are eager to do that well as possible as we can.This dissertation intends to solve and analyze the predicament the major executive decision making the public participates in of our country and search for the achievement approach.At first,the dissertation is involved in the basic theories about the theme.Sticking to the executive decision is a position of executive behavior,and defining the major executive decision making needs the special and normative standards of laws and institutions.The meaning and significance of it has been explained form the understanding and supporting from the public,communication and negotiation,cooperation and tolerance,and the benefit lawsuit of respecting diversity.The participating administration is one of the theoretical bases of major executive decision making the public join.The relationship of subject of administrative and the public is the essential issue that the system of construction of the major administrative decision making must solve.The public is one of the subjects of it instead of the object.And next,the necessity and applicability of the major administrative decision making on the basis of the public advantages to seek the progress of it.The construction of the present service-oriented government provided the premise for it.The improvement and development of knowledge ability of the public and the Internet offered the favorable conditions for participation.The dissertation holds that each major executive decision making will cost greatly.Of course,the cost must be worthwhile.There is no doubt that the undertaker of costs should be the public.The misbehavior of the major executive policy making definitely causes great damage to the public.On one hand,we should not underestimate the damage that will be caused by the predicament the major executive decision making the public participates in of our country.On the other hand,don’t regard the present reason formed as the simple one.What we need is deliberation.Faced with the current predicament,many reforms in systemic aspect and the public themselves and the chances of all quarters should be made.During reforms,the methods of achieving the major executive decision making the public participates in should be probed and changes should be made for the better situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Major Executive Decision, Transparency and Disclosure of Information, Unification of Authority and Duty, Administrative Public Interest Litigation
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