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Comments On Brazil's New Antidumping Regulations

Posted on:2018-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z S XuFull Text:PDF
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China is Brazil's largest source of imports and Brazil's largest export destination.In recent years,as trade between China and Brazil has become more frequent and trade frictions have increased,Brazil is currently one of the most frequent countries in developing countries to adopt anti-dumping measures against Chinese exports.In2013,Brazil revised the Anti-dumping Regulations,his revision provided a guidance for anti-dumping investigation.Currently,there has little research on Brazil's Anti-dumping Regulations,especially Brazilian anti-dumping practices against China.Brazil's New Anti-dumping Regulations is the object of this paper,to make a comprehensive review of the relevant provisions revised.Then anlysis the consistency between WTO ADA and Brazil's New Antidumping Regulations.This paper aims at to increase the understanding of Brazil's Anti-dumping Regulations.And provide reference for China to respond to the Brazilian anti-dumping investigation.Compared with the form Regulations,the new anti-dumping regulations more detail.But,authorities have more discretionary powers.So that the fairness of anti-dumping investigations have been questioned.On the other hand,there has inconsistence with WTO ADA.So,we should evaluate the regulation objectively.This thesis divided in 5 parts:The first part of the article discussed the evolution of Brazil's anti-dumping Regulations.And then navigate Brazil's New Antidumping Regulations.The second part concerning apply and initiation the antidumping.The revised provisions on the antidumping application and initiation are more detailed,The time for reviewing the initiation filing was limited.The third part,how to identify the dump.This section analysis the elements of the dumping behavior such as like product,export price,dumping margin.The forth part,determination of injury and causal link between injury and dump.Combs the causal link revised in Brazil's New Antidumping Regulations,especially in the characteristic of evidence.The fifth part,take the measure on dumping.Two measures adopt on dumping,price undertaking,imposition the antidumping duty.The sixth part,analysis of the impact of Chinese exports to Brazil,and put forward the corresponding coping strategies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brazil's Antidumping regulations, initiation of antidumping, margin of dumping, casual link
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