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The Historical Nihilism In The Interpretation Of Historical Judgments

Posted on:2018-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330518498294Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, historical nihilism has become a socio-political and cultural ideological trend which can not be ignored. Historical nihilism attempts to realize the purpose of replacing the guiding position of Marxism and overthrowing the socialist system by negating history, reality, people's revolution, the achievements of socialist construction, and the historical inevitability and legitimate status of the Communist Party. Historical nihilists denounce the revolutionary leaders and heroes, beautify the negative figures in history, deny the great historical merits in China's new democratic revolution and socialist construction under the leadership of the Communist Party,question China's choice of socialist road Inevitability. This kind of subversive evaluation has brought great confusion to people's thoughts,impact the guiding ideology of Marxist ideology, shaken the founding of our country, affected the smooth progress of reform and opening up. But historical nihilists not only do not recognize their own ulterior motives, but pretend to be "Academic research" , and even framed Marxism as historical nihilism. In this situation, this article analyzes the concept of historical nihilism to fundamentally recognize the true nature of historical nihilism.The various manifestations of historical nihilism can be summed up as a false assessment of history. In fact, Marx's theory of historical evaluation is the key to understand truth of history correctly. Historical evaluation standards, including historical scale and value scale. The view that "Historical scale priority" or " Value scale priority " imply the tendency of historical nihilism which worthy of our vigilance. Those who hold these two views argue that when the historical scale conflicts with the value scale, one of the principles of priority should be upheld by Marx's intention. First of all, each view undoubtedly thinks the historical scale and the value scale are opposite, but the two can actually mutual transformation and common development. In the course of historical development, the historical scale and the value scale correspond to the development of productive forces and human development respectively. Although the improvement of productivity in a specific historical stage may be accompanied by the backwardness of human development, or the boost of human development may with the backwardness of the productivity, the improvement of the productivity along with the development of human is an inevitable trend in the whole history. This shows that the historical scale and the value scale are not opposed to each other. It can be seen that the view that two scales are paradox is actually due to the absolute understanding of social development and the metaphysical interpretation of metaphysics, which directly violates the dialectical spirit of Marx's historical materialism.Secondly, this article analyzes the historical nihilism tendency of the "Historical scale priority" from the source. The source of this view is mainly based on Marx's evaluation of the British's colonial rule of India, specifically on the interpretation that colonial aggression as an unconscious revolutionary tool. Some scholars simply revived Marx's early thought, that Marx affirmed the advantages that British brought to India, which came to "Aggression is meritorious" conclusion, and that backward countries must be patiently to experience a stage of colonial rule, before the Backward countries achieve capitalist modernization,they should not be anxious to resist colonialism. This view completely ignores Marx's criticism of colonial aggression in his later years, but also the heroic history of the struggle against colonial aggression.In addition, the view of "Value scale priority" as an absolute interpretation of the historical evaluation scale directly affects the interpretation of Marx's theory of"Leaping over the Kafuting Valley". Marx proposed this theory under the study of future development of Russian rural communes, advocated that Russia should avoid the capitalist exploitation and directly transit to the socialist stage. Therefore some scholars hold the view that "Value scale priority "on the basis of Marx's emphasis on the value of the scale and humanitarian concerns. Another scholars think that capitalism has a mission to provide material basis for communist society according to Marx's theory of social form,so the development of capitalist can not be crossed,countries which step to socialist society from feudal society directly should return to" Making up". This view emphasis that capitalist system adapt to high-level productive forces and socialism only adapt to low-level productive forces is a overlook of the rapid development of productive forces since the establishment of socialist system in China.Against historical nihilism is a long-term struggle in the ideological field,historical materialists should criticize historical nihilism and at the same time we should ask ourselves: whether have we made the similar mistakes. If we can not treat history objectively, it is actually lose the opportunity to explain the real history to historical nihilists. We should have dialectical spirit especially in understanding the interpretation of Marx and Engels and be vigilant of the negative impact on historical materialism's wrong interpretation of China's modern revolution and revolutionary leaders. With the reform and opening up as the boundary, the development of China can be divided into two stages, but we can not use one to deny the other because them are both important parts of China's development. We should strengthen the history and culture confidence and speed up the popularity of the socialist core value system, adhere to the Marxist materialism by adopting a correct view of history,enhance the immune competence against historical nihilism and resist the severe harm caused by historical nihilism effectively.
Keywords/Search Tags:historical evaluation scale, historical nihilism, historical scale priority, value scale priority, historical materialism
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