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An Empirical Analysis On The Problem Of Criminal Medical Security

Posted on:2018-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C WangFull Text:PDF
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As an integral part of the prison function,the prison's medical obligation for the criminals is a concrete manifestation of the state's guarantee of the human rights of prisoners,and it is of great significance.At present,the medical insurance system for the medical security of prisoners in China is carried out in a fully guaranteed free medical care system,which has certain rationality,but it also exposes some problems and drawbacks.Such as:the prisoners and the prison medical single source of funding for full protection,the prisons are under tremendous economic pressure and political risk;It is often seen.criminals use excuses to avoid the health punishment;criminal imbalance of medical insurance and medical insurance of ordinary citizens caused public discontent;individual recidivist crime again to achieve through imprisonment for free medical care,increased security risks effect of frequent medical disputes;the prison security and stability;the cause of these problems is not conducive to the prison execution work,is not conducive to the criminals accept prison reform,the impact of social fairness and justice.For the country,it not only costs huge penalty costs,but also gives a discount on the effect of penalty.The reason is that the roles and functions of prisons in medical security for criminals are ambiguous in the current laws and judicial interpretations.Lack of clear explanation,operation methods and rules.This paper aims to explore how to improve the existing medical security system for criminals,expand the sources of funding for prisoners,and clarify the rights and obligations of prisons and sick prisoners.Enable the prison to return the focus and responsibility of the work to the essential function of the reform of criminals.From the actual situation and the actual situation,the medical security of prisoners is defined as basic medical security,and the specific safeguards are implemented through the division of the diseases,and how to formulate and implement standards are discussed from seven aspects.Improve the relevant laws and regulations,clear to the prison staff to buy basic medical insurance,and medical treatment costs out clear limits,medical advice will intervene in the prison identification,in accordance with the "Regulations on handling medical accidents" treatment of prison medical accident compensation etc..Expand the prison medical social work,the development of social forces to participate in criminal disease prevention,disease treatment,health supervision work,the inmates can enjoy more professional security,effective protection of criminal rights of life and health.
Keywords/Search Tags:Criminals, Medical rights, Legal position, Reasonable security
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