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Legal Thinking About Reproductive Rights Offenders In Prison Security

Posted on:2015-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A F ShiFull Text:PDF
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In today’s society, when the concept of human rights win support among the people,the rights of citizens gradually into national constitutions, the cause of human rightsprotection in China is also gradually promote all human rights, then into the China sciencefield, the protection of human rights is becoming the mainstream of current Chinese socialvalue. The criminal is a special group in our society, personal freedom is restricted, underthe dominating them in the state compulsory force, lack of ordinary citizens have somemeans of self-protection, from a human rights perspective, they are a group of specialsocial vulnerable groups. But for the protection of the rights has a very importantsignificance, it can be said that, the degree of protection of the rights of criminals is notonly a national human rights protection measure, and also an important symbol of acountry whether to achieve the rule of law state. In ensuring the rights of criminals, weshould see, our country is a legal base is still relatively weak country, law has yet to befurther improved, legal consciousness, and the practice of law enforcement awareness ofhuman rights, policy business water is not strong, in the aspect of the criminal humanrights, there are still some problems really. In this one, the author thinks that the security offamily rights in prison criminals is a worthy of our attention and research problems. Theprocreation right is accompanied by life and enjoy the most basic human rights for life, isthat each individual human innate natural rights. However, due to the realization ofpersonal freedom of criminal not absence leads to the reproductive rights, so over the years,reproductive right of the criminal problems are ignored, and the actual deprived andrestricted. Prison Execution Authority to some extent because of various practical reasonslimit and consider, not be as basic human rights in a to understand and implement, theproblem of reproductive right of the criminal in custody but also has the big blind spot inour country. The author as a prison workers engaged in renovation, through their perspective and practical experience, combined with the legal knowledge, the reproductiveright of the criminal protection to put forward their views, in order to promote the processof the protection and Realization of the reproductive right of the criminal detention.This paper mainly from three aspects to discuss the problem of protectingreproductive right of the criminal in custody. First discusses why imprisonment criminalsshould have the right to give birth, take this as the premise, through the realization ofconflict solving reproductive right of the criminal in custody, and proposes to improve thereproductive right of the criminal in custody security.
Keywords/Search Tags:prison, criminals, reproductive rights, human rights, security
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