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Research On Property Management In The Legal System Of Owner Autonomy

Posted on:2018-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z SunFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of modern society will produce property management.The most critical property management is owner autonomy.Due to the relevant legislation and research in China starts late,autonomous level and ability is low,the owner autonomous consciousness is generally not strong,the legal system is imperfect.In practice,the autonomy of the owners is difficult in the process,and the disputes between owners' groups and property companies are constant.In this paper,we explores the legal system of owner autonomy in China's physical management,and puts forward some suggestions to solve these problems.This paper is divided into the sum total four parts.The first part is an overview of the basic theory of owner autonomy.First of this part introduces the concept of owner.Then,the paper analyzes the concept of the owner autonomy and the theoretical basis of the owner autonomy system from two angles of economics and jurisprudence.The second part analyzes the two important contents of owner autonomy,one is the owner autonomous convention.Owners autonomy convention is the most important basis in the course of autonomy.Understand its concept,nature,development and content is necessary;two is the owner autonomous organization.The owner autonomous institutions in China are mainly the owner congress and the the owner committee,this part introduces the functions and operation mechanism of the two institutions.The third part is about the main problems in the legal system of the owner autonomy.There are mainly five aspects of the defect.The first defect is the owner autonomous organization system mode,the second is the owner autonomous operation rules are not perfect,the third is the government supervision and guidance of owner autonomy is not in place,the fourth is the functions of residents' committee and owners of group overlap,the fifth is the owner autonomy become the property service foil.The fourth part is the measures to improve the legal system of owner autonomy.In view of the problems raised in the third part,this part puts forward perfect suggestions.The first is to improve their autonomous organization system,including add the concept of owners group;the second is to refine the operation mechanism of owner autonomy;the third is to handle the relationship between the government and the owners of autonomy;the fourth is divide effectively the residents" committee and the the owner of the autonomous institutions responsibility function;finally is a good grasp of relationship of property companies and the owners of the two groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:owner autonomy, owners' convention, owner congress, owner committee
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