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The Research Of Function Concept Teaching In High School Under PCK

Posted on:2017-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330485977256Subject:Subject teaching mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mathematical concept is the starting point of the students in studying mathematics and is the basis of mathematical theorems, formulas, reasoning, etc; mathematical concept is the most basic form of thought, and an essential part of students to learn math. Function is not only an important mathematical model which describes the rule of the changing objective world, but also the important foundation of high-school mathematical knowledge. In the high school period, the thought and method of function runs through the entire math course. Function concept is the basis of students’ learning function and other mathematical knowledge, so when high school students are learning function, the states of learning about the function concept will have a great influence on the future learning on math.PCK(Pedagogical Content Knowledge) means the discipline teaching Knowledge. Teachers’ PCK mainly study the relation of teachers’ subject knowledge between teaching knowledge. In this paper, PCK is defined as: the transformation from the teachers own knowledge to the knowledge which is learned by students.In this paper, it researches on the function concept teaching from teachers’ PCK. It focus on three points as following: the meaning of the concept teaching education, the key points and difficult points of function concept, and the influence of different types of teachers. The main research methods of this thesis are documentation method, questionnaires method and interview method.In this paper, the experimental study the students of five classes in Grade One and 18 mathematics teachers of a middle school in Jiangxi Province. Totally, 316 students take part in this study. In this research, questionnaires survey that the students’ knowing about function concept and it will present the key points and difficult points of function concept. The article also interviews 3 teachers who are elected from 18 teachers and represent 3 different types of teachers : a novice teacher, a mature teacher and a expert teacher about function concept teaching. Then it comes to a conclusion that teachers’ PCK can directly influence the teaching effect according an analysis of the interview.The paper finally puts forward some proposals to mathematical concept teaching, according to the result of this thesis and constructivism theories.(1)instructional design in concept system, which includes preparatory work before instructional design, the formation of function structure system, making use of historical parallelism and giving prominence to the concept formation in teaching processes.(2)the abundance and interesting of course material, which includes notes in classroom teaching, the activating mathematics education into daily life and information technical integration,(3)the teaching reflection and conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mathematical concept, The function concept, PCK
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