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The Research And Implementation Of Remote Monitoring Method For Moving Objects Based On ARM

Posted on:2018-07-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542472418Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The embedded intelligent monitoring technology has also been developed rapidly.Because of the embedded remote intelligent monitoring system is low cost,small size,easy to use,can be remote monitoring,information-rich and so on,it is widely used in industrial control,storage management,security systems,intelligent home and other fields.In this paper,a remote monitoring and control system for moving objects is designed for indoor monitoring and control system,because of the shortcomings of the normal system such as complex wiring,difficult to expand,high cost,single monitoring mode,limited transmission distance and intelligent processing method.The system uses the wireless network to transmit data,the key technologies include embedded Linux operating system,ARM11 processor,WEB server,4G transmission protocol,video surveillance and other content.It has features such as moving object detection,intelligent SMS alarm,sending monitoring content to mailbox,interception of video and picture playback,etc.When the dynamic range of objects within the monitoring time,start the acquisition system for dynamic objects for video capture and image capture,when the collection is not dynamic within the system belong to the dormant state,this approach can greatly save the user’s storage space and traffic costs.The system uses a unified local area network client,as long as the LAN has a browser that can access the Internet and then the users can always view the video to the surveillance and capture pictures.In addition,the use of sending e-mail and SMS alarm system can be achieved far,has a very wide range of application value and research value.The server uses Samsung’s S3C6410 chip.First of all,this paper analyzes the basic needs of the system and describes in detail the overall design and software and hardware platform for the production,then analyzes the design of the system modules in detail.Through the detailed experimental verification,the image is clear,the transmission quality is good,and achieve the desired purpose.Finally summarized and prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embedded, Linux operating system, Remote monitoring, Server
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