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Research On Path Handover Policy For Moblie Concurrent Multipath Transfer Based On SCTP

Posted on:2016-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W X SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330542992122Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the society and the progress of science and technology,the Internet has influenced deeply into all aspects of daily life and become an indispensable part of people's lives.But now the Internet is facing many challenges such as extensibility,address space,end-to-end transmission of high performance,real-time performance and mobility.Due to the limitations of the IPv4 address space and the next generation Internet mobility higher requirements for the Internet,IETF successively introduced such as MIPv6,FMIPv6 HMIPv6.Because of the large handover delay of the mobile mechanism on network layer and complexity of the network,the transport layer's mobile mechanism,mSCTP came up,the Dynamic Address Reconfiguration(DAR)of mSCTP realizes the IP Address updated dynamically without interruption users' communication in mobile environment.Based on the characteristics of DAR,Enhanced Dynamic Address Reconfiguration(EDAR)were proposed,and EDAR-FMIPv6,transport layer mobile mechanism with EDAR,were proposed successively?Based on the further study of the existing mobile mechanism,including the network layer of mobile mechanism,such as FMIPv6,HMIPv6 mobile mechanism,and the transport layer such as mSCTP,EDAR-FMIPv6 mobile mechanism.On the basis of the analysis of mSCTP-CMT,the optimization of routing scheme is proposed.Existing mobile mechanisms have faults in handover time,signaling cost and transmission rate.although some mobile mechanism improve the handover time and so on,but increased the complexity of the network.While mSCTP although introduced CMT to cut down the delay,signaling cost and transmission rate,when MN handover between different networks.but the scheme did not fully consider the problem of optimal path after switching.In this paper,the improved policy Pro_mSCTP-CMT were proposed aimed at to solving the problem of optimal path after handover between different networks.By analyzing the results of simulation experiments,the improved policy Pro_mSCTP-CMT not only has an advantage in terms of handover time compared with the existing mobile mechanism,but also increases in the aspect of data path throughput and data transimission rate.Therefore,the rationality and advancement of Pro_mSCTP-CMT were verified by the simulation experiments' results in this paper.Finally,the research subjects are summarized and prospected and the next research direction is submitted.
Keywords/Search Tags:SCTP, Mobile concurrent multipath transfer, Path handover policy, Throughput, Data transfer rate
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