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On The Description Of Natural Scenery In Ecological Novels In The New Period

Posted on:2017-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330518990297Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Growing ecological crisis makes ecocriticism and ecological literature to receive more attention in the community.Ecological novels in the New,which mean Chinese ecological novels from 1976 up to now,focus on humanity and nature.These novels are beautiful landscape in Chinese contemporary literature circle.Eco novel,which can show the spiritual crisis of human society and the ecological crisis of nature,and analysis fundamental reason of producing ecological crisis,not only can describe the relationship between humanity and nature at the same time,but also can survey the relationship between humanity and nature according to the principles of ecological holism.Eco novel in the New,mainly describe the relationship between man and nature from three aspects:the way humanity and nature to get along,the reflection on the destruction of the natural ecological and the desire of people to return to nature.According to the theory of ecologism,human cannot live and existence without a fixed nature place.This place would have an effect on one’s whole life,such as ecological thinking and ecological status.In early 1980s,people began to re-understanding of nature.China literary circle set off a worshipful craze of natural.Writers begin to realize the importance of natural spaces.However,for economic development,people choose to sacrifice nature.Because of this,in perennial conflict with nature,unlimited suppression of nature gains the success of the surface and loss of natural spaces.Also led to frequent ecological crisis.While recognizing the root causes of the ecological crisis,critics have proposed ecological principles of ecological aesthetic pursuit.They called on people to pay attention to the natural original ecological landscape,from an ecological point of view to re-holism natural objects and understand that"good and evil" does not distinguish between the interests of people.Finally,requested that people should getting along well with nature.Literary performance of the object cannot only be limited to humans,but also by the description of human to show the world.This is the natural function of literature.From the perspective ecological criticism,the new have noble literature character which respect the natural environment and criticize of human egoism.This ecology character may be able to help people to alleviate the modern ecological crisis and spiritual crisis.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Era, Ecological Novels, Scenery Description, Ecological Character
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