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Legal Regulation Of Accounting Information Distortion Of Listed Companies

Posted on:2019-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q LiFull Text:PDF
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Securities market is the fundamental component of modern economic system.For listed companies,the primary source of securities market is its accounting information.The quality of accounting information from listed companies would directly affect investors’ decision making,its own development,as well as the operation of securities market.At present,the development of securities market in China is struggling with many negative issues,among which one of the most highlighted problem belongs to the accounting information distortion of listed companies.The reasons why this issue appears can be generalised from multiple perspectives.However,three main causations,including the missing of legal supervision and management,the deficiency of laws and regulations,and the ambiguity of legal liability,are the significant aspects of resulting in the situation.This paper would compare the regulation system abroad with the practical condition of China,for the purpose of proposing suggestions for improving laws and regulations against accounting information distortion based on the analysis of current domestic situation of laws and regulation against the accounting information distortion of listed companies.This paper consists of five chapters: The first chapter will,firstly,illustrate the background and meaning of this research.Then,the current situation of the research direction from both domestic and abroad will be reviewed.In addition,the design and methodology of this research will be clarified.The second chapter will mainly elucidate the fundamental theories of accounting information distortion in listed companies.Significantly,this part will depart from the definition of accounting information,illustrating the definition of accounting information distortion,its classification,and the drawbacks of accounting information distortion in listed companies,which pave the way for further analysis in the following chapters.The third chapter will conduct the analysis of laws and regulations in China which are designed to control the accounting information distortion in listed companies.Simultaneously,this chapter will explore how specific laws and regulations stipulate accounting information distortion with further illustration of insufficiency of current related laws and regulations in China.The fourth chapter will focus on the analysis on current situation of accounting information distortion in listed companied abroad.Moreover,the related laws and regulations system and its supervision subjects will be explored from four countries including the United States,the United Kingdom,Japan and Germany respectively.Furthermore,the common features and trend of development of these four countries will be generalised in order to adopt the reference influence on domestic development of regulation system.The fifth chapter will generate the suggestions for improving regulation system on accounting information distortion upon domestic listed companies.In addition,the suggestions will be proposed based on the combination of beneficial practice of foreign experience and current national conditions,therefore,make up the limitation of previous studies as illustrated previously.
Keywords/Search Tags:listed companies, accounting information distortion, laws and regulations, legal liability
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