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Research On The Financing Situation Of Chinese SMEs Under Financial Repression

Posted on:2017-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330503995527Subject:Economics Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Economic efficiency can reflect how the quality of economic growth, investment efficiency of a country comes to the dynamic efficiency of the entire economy, which is the key to economic growth theory. When a country’s economy is Pareto optimal, the macro level of capital accumulation is in the Golden Rule level, in terms of per capita consumption microscopic maximized. So you can compare the current real economy accumulation of capital and the Golden Rule level, to determine whether it is economically dynamic and effective. Specific calculation variety of ways.Financial repression is the process which have experienced in many developing countries,itwould be existence of credit rationingunder financial repression. Banks and other financial institutions is affected by policy andthe risk factor,then the bank and other financial institutions would make the loans to large enterprisesor theindustry of thenational policies will impact, for small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain loans can be suffering fromthe effect of crowd-out.This paper summarizes the researchesfrom previous scholars, and made the analysis of the influence of financial repression phenomena for small and medium-sized enterprises, then found that financial repression can increase the cost of financing of small and medium-sized enterprises, and the efficiency of market allocation of resources is reduced and the regular channels of financing could be more difficult by such influence. based on the analysis of the general status of China’s small and medium-sized enterprises, the development of private-lending is so fast in recent years,which including scale growth and figures, but most of them are not standard, and risks and disadvantages have increasingly appearing, if lack of rationally guide and regulation, they most likely to produce adverse impact.Moreover, this paper using other methods to analyze thefinancing difficultproblem in small and medium-sized enterprise, By choosing the financial cost of listed companies to analyses financing costs in small and medium-sized enterprise.There is a result that the listed companies have wide channels of access to capital with low cost, small and medium-sized enterprises access to capital cost is far higher than the high quality enterprise.Through comparing the different sizes of bank efficiency, this paper had found the bank margins associated with loans, deposits and defective rate, if defective rate increase obviously, then the bank will control lending risks; through the analysis of prospective customer, Banks are more willing to choose the costumer with low default rate and large enterprises and medium-sized enterprises with income stability. For the small firm, only in the case of guarantee sufficient value, then they easy to get a loan from bank.Finally, according to the actual situation of China, this paper provide some countermeasures to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, and puts forward Suggestions on the development of private-financing institution.
Keywords/Search Tags:financial repression, private-financing institution, Efficiency of Banks’ profits
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