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Research On The Relationship Between The Five Elements Of Internal Control And The Competitiveness Of Listed Commercial Banks In China

Posted on:2018-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T H TaoFull Text:PDF
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Competitiveness is the most important survival and development of commercial banks,and to improve the competitiveness of listed commercial banks,it is necessary to start from the five elements of internal control.As for the listed commercial banks in C hina,it is necessary to improve the level of these five elements by means of the equal input of resources,which can not reach the optimal input-output ratio and even waste of resources.Only these five elements on the level of impact on the competitiveness of listed commercial banks,improve the effect elements of resources investment,can effectively enhance the competitiveness of China's listed commercial banks.Therefore,in-depth study of the relationship between internal control and the five elements of C hina's listed commercial banks competitiveness,comparison of the five elements of internal control on the level of C hina's listed commercial banks competitiveness,has important significance for a rapid and efficient way to help enhance the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in China to find out.This paper studies on the correlation between the two main contents are as follows: firstly,the relationship between the five elements of internal control and the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in C hina are analyzed,and puts forward two hypotheses according to the conclusion.Then the paper constructs the evaluation index system of the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in C hina and the five elements of internal control evaluation index system.Then the paper designs the competitiveness factor analysis model of listed commercial banks and the correlation between the five elements of internal control and the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in china.Then the factor analysis met hod is used to calculate the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in C hina during 2013-2015.Finally,in order to compare the effect of five elements on the competitiveness of the size of the internal control,using descriptive analysis,correlation analysis and multivariate linear regression analysis of the competitiveness score and collected the five elements of internal control evaluation index data calculated method,and according to the results of the analysis conclusion.According to the conclusions,the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions.In the course of the study,the following conclusions are obtained: Theoretical analysis shows that the five elements of internal control will have a positive impact on the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in C hina,of which the impact of control activities is the largest,and the control environment is the least.Descriptive analysis shows that,in 2013-2015,the competitiveness of C hina's major listed commercial banks is generally balanced,but the overall level of internal control is different.Among the five elements of internal control,the gap between the control environment is the biggest,and the gap between other elements is small.The correlation analysis shows that the overall level of internal control and internal control of the five elements of the level of 2013-2015 is positively correlated with the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in china.Finally,according to the results of regression analysis,the final conclusions are drawn:(1)the positive correlation between the level of internal control and the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in C hina is significant.(2)the most significant positive correlation between the activity level and control of China's listed commercial banks competitiveness,risk assessment,information and communication,and supervision level of Chinese listed commercial banks competitiveness of the positive correlation were ranked second,third,fourth,but the gap is not big,the positive correlation between the weakest level and control of C hina's listed commercial environment the competitiveness of banks.In order to effectively improve the competitiveness of listed commercial banks in China,this paper puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions:(1)focus on the construction of internal control activities.(2)increase the operational level of the other four elements appropriately.
Keywords/Search Tags:Listed Commercial Bank, Five Elements of Internal Control, Competitiveness, Correlation Analysis
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