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The Proportion Of Negative Online Reviews And The Impact Of Their Remedies On Consumers' Willingness To Purchase

Posted on:2018-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518990994Subject:Applied psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The online booking of Economy Hotel was taken as an example in this study.The first experiment was designed to study the influence of the proportion of negative online reviews on consumer’s purchase intention and perceived risk, and verified the mediating role of perceived risk. Experiment two was designed to study the effect of different recovery measures on consumer’s willingness to purchase and the attitude of the consumers to the negative online reviews. The method of scene simulation experiment was used to collect the data by means of questionnaire.An experimental design method was used to study the single factor between groups of 5 kinds of negative online reviews different ratios (10:0, 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4)influence the purchase intention and perceived risk to consumers, and to explore the mediating effects of perceived risk is in the negative comments proportion and purchase intention. In experiment two also used the design method of the single factor between groups of two different measures of recovery (for apology and explanation,automated apology) and nonresponse recovery on consumer purchase intention and consumer attitudes impact on businesses.Using data analysis software SPSS 17.0 to analyze the collected data,the results are as follows: (1) The proportion of negative online reviews has an impact on consumers’ perceived risk and purchase intention, the higher the proportion of negative comments, the greater the perceived risk, the smaller the purchase intention;And the proportion of perceived risk mediated by negative online reviews and consumer purchase intention. (2) Different remedial measures have different effects on the recovery of consumer attitudes and purchase intention of business, no reply to the recovery compare to targeted apology and explanation, targeted apology and explanation of the effect is better, and the difference was significant;But there was no significant difference between the non response recovery and automated apology。The conclusions of this study are as follows:(1) The proportion of negative online reviews has a significant positive impact on consumers’ perceived risk, and has a significant negative impact on consumers’purchase intention.(2) Perceived risk plays an intermediary role between the proportion of negative online reviews and consumer purchase intention.(3) Apologize and explain better than apologize for the automatic reply measures.Finally, according to the conclusions of this study,this paper provided some strategies and suggestions for the management of online shopping and online marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:negative online reviews, perceived risk, purchase intention, remedial measures, consumer attitudes toward business
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