The momentum of Internet development in today’s society has not weakened at all,and so is e-commerce.People generally prefer Internet channels for consumption activities.Before making a decision on if to buy or not,people are accustomed to referencing online reviews related to the product.These online word of mouth can directly influence the decision of the consumers when they purchase goods,and it can provide consumers with the most direct reference for shopping,but also can help businesses provide better services and identify consumer needs.And then making a series of marketing strategies such as product recommendation,promotion and so on according to the demand to improve customer satisfaction and maintain customer loyalty.So the status of online reviews has become increasingly important.First of all,the background and significance of the research are explained,and the related theories and previous researches on keywords are summarized,such as negative online comment interpretation and research,classification and development of perceived risk,and online consumer purchase theory,it has laid the foundation for the development of later work.Secondly,based on the interview data extraction analysis and literature support,the research variables of this thesis are determined,and 11 related hypotheses are proposed around the negative online review,and the research model of this thesis is constructed.According to the research hypothesis of this thesis,the questionnaire is designed based on the scale developed by the predecessors,and then the reliability and validity of the questionnaire are tested according to the pre-survey data,and the small-scale interview is combined to correct the project,which makes the structure of the questionnaire more reasonable.Data acquisition models using a combination of online and offline,and then using SPSS20.0 to detect descriptive statistical analysis and the reliability and validity of the data.The structural equation model of this study was constructed with AMOS21.0,and explore the impact of negative online commentary features,merchant characteristics and consumer personal factors on consumer risk perception.All the conclusions have been verified.Finally,based on the results of empirical analysis,the thesis puts forward a marketing method for controlling the number of negative comments and actively improving the quality of positive comments,and points out the online shopping strategy for consumers to correctly and reasonably identify shopping risks.Finally,the thesis looks forward to the research of negative online comments in this thesis.This thesis explores the shopping risks generated by negative online reviews,and increases the merchant service and consumer personal factors,refines the classification of perceived risks,and plays a role in the effective management of negative online reviews,and also promotes electronic business development and progress. |