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Study On Sustainable Development Of Chinese Economy In The View Of Green Development Concept

Posted on:2018-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y QianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536459382Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ecological crisis and environmental pollution has been extended to the world and present increasingly grim situation of China as the world’s second-largest economy,show a determination to deal with the global ecological problems.China put forward and implement the innovation,coordination,the five development concept of green,open,sharing,especially the concept of green development,demonstrates the China comprehensively promote economic sustainable development of the green,toward the ecological civilization of socialism with Chinese characteristics,the confidence of the new era.Concept of green development in China’s economy has reversed transmission and promote sustainable development.During the period of "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" is the implementation of the concept of green development,the key to promote the building of ecological civilization,respect and rational utilization of nature,man and nature,the harmony between economic development and ecological protection,to adapt to the economic development in the new normal,in under the guidance of the concept of green development,sustainable development will become the theme of China’s economic future.Introduction to the theory of the concept of green development including the background,theoretical source and basic principles are put forward.Economic development at home and abroad are facing increasingly serious ecological dilemma,put forward the concept of green development is to comply with the world economy to green development,to tackle the economic development of China’s ecological constraints,is to promote the building of ecological civilization,to adapt to the new normal economic and realize sustainable development of the Chinese nation’s practical needs and material premise.Green development concept in the theory source,ecological thought,the development theory of marxism is the inheritance and development,is for the critical absorption of the sustainable development of the modern western economic theory,also learned the Chinese excellent traditional culture of the green ecological wisdom.Green development concept,the basic principles include the principle of respect for and protection of the natural,the correct understanding and rational utilization of natural principles,and adhere to the human and the nature harmonious unity,economic development and ecological protection and win-win principle.In China to achieve modernization,new implementation in the process of economic transformation,the implementation of the concept of green development,to realize the economic sustainable development face many obstacles and development dilemma.It is in the process of realizing economic sustainable development,people’s green ecological consciousness insufficiency,the consumption alienation and the extensive mode of production problems;Second,in the current economic development planning,the concept of green development system design and existing mechanism constitution and the goals of sustainable development of economy demands the deviating,main performance evaluation mechanism is not reasonable for the government,the environmental compensation mechanism is not sound,imperfect market related problems such as,need to continue to improve the relationship between government and market,through comprehensively deepen reform to advance;Three is lack of innovation and application of green technology;Fourth,economic development stage,performance for the economic development under the new normal how to balance the relationship between economic development and environmental protection.In view of above obstacles or difficulties to implement the concept of green development,to realize the economic sustainable development,need innovative efforts on route choice and effective countermeasures.It is in the aspect of theory,sets up the concept of green values,ecological protection,building a green ecological culture,choose green lifestyle;it is practical,realize the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure,establish and improve related supporting system,continue to play a decisive role of the market;Three is a system,the establishment of an ecological civilization system perfect,establish green evaluation system of governments and enterprises,with the rule of law to form the most stringent ecological protection institutional constraints;Four is experience,also need to actively learn and reflect on the west green economic development on the existing experience and lessons,combined with China’s specific national conditions,out of a green economic development path with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:green development concept, ecological civilization construction, economic sustainable development
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