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Organic Agricultural Products Marketing Strategy Research In Shandong Province

Posted on:2018-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536475901Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the improvement of people's living standard and the frequent occurrence of food safety problems,more and more people begin to pay attention to the development of organic agriculture.Shandong Province,as a big agricultural province,has a lot of advantages in the development of organic agricultural products.After ten years of development,Shandong has made gratifying achievements in organic agriculture.But it is undeniable that the development of organic agriculture in our province is still in the primary stage,there are still some common problems in the development process: the market category of organic agricultural products is not balanced,the brand construction is not perfect,distribution channel is not smooth,the marketing idea is backward,lack of promotion,and most organic consumer awareness is not strong,on the common problems such as lack of awareness of organic agricultural products are seriously restricted the organic agricultural products industry in Shandong province smoothly.Based on the above situation,it is of great practical significance to study the marketing strategy of organic agricultural products in Shandong this paper,following the theory combined with field survey principle,based on the definition of organic agricultural products and pollution-free,green product difference and relevant theory,on the overall development of organic agricultural products market in Shandong province are summarized,and combining the 4P portfolio theory,analyzed the existing Shandong Province organic agricultural products marketing problems,the fourth chapter is a clear grasp of the characteristics of consumers,in the form of questionnaire in Yantai,Qingdao two consumer cognition and purchase behavior investigation and analyzing,in order to further understand the characteristics of the consumer market,the development will help to the following SWOT analysis and strategy,then in Shandong Province,the organic agricultural products marketing SWOT analysis,a detailed analysis of the Shandong Province organic agricultural products marketing have advantages and disadvantages,The opportunity and the threat,the combination of the foregoing analysis,4P theory and actualcase analysis of SO,ST and WO reconstruction strategy for Shandong Province organic agricultural products marketing,more detailed analysis based on the reconstruction strategy more targeted,objectivity,effectiveness and practicality,to the healthy development of to help Shandong Province organic agricultural products industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shandong province, organic agricultural products, marketing strategy, consumer perception and purchasing behavior, SWOT analysis
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