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Research On The Effect Of Time Pressure And Price Discount Type On Online Impulse Buying In The Situation Of Time-limited Promotion

Posted on:2018-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330536966095Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the improvement of E-business platform and the increasingly comprehensiveness of product,online purchasing has become an indispensable part of individuals’ lives.The daily trading volume of Tmall has been more than 120.748 billion yuan in the ―double eleven‖ day in 2016,which demonstrates the popularity of online shopping and its huge economic potential.In the e-commerce environment,consumers’ online impulse consumption is becoming common due to the convenience of shopping and the diversification of online stimulus.At the same time,the market competition among the network business is becoming increasingly fierce because of the network business’ expectation of making its products occupy a larger market share and getting more profit,thus,consumer’s online impulse buying has become their competitive target.Therefore,the network business use an endless stream of promotional tools to stimulate the consumer’s online impulse buying in recent years,and limited-time promotion is one of them.So does this stimulus work? How does it work? Therefore,this paper explores the impact mechanism of time pressure and price discount type on the online impulse purchasing of consumers in the situation of limited-time promotion,so as to put forward some practical suggestions for the network business or enterprise.Based on the analysis of the existing research,this paper explores the effect of time pressure(time limit)and the price discount type(material incentive)and their interaction on online impulse buying in the situation of limited-time promotion from the perspective of the two characteristics of the limited-time promotion(time limit and material incentive).Then,the theory of regulatory focus is introduced to explore the influence of consumers’ regulatory focusing on their online impulsive purchasing,and combined with time pressure and price discount type to form an integration of external factors and internal factors,and to construct the theoretical model of the influencing of this three on the online impulse purchasing.In this paper,the relevant data are collected by situational experiment.The conclusions are as follows:(1)The main effect of time pressure on online impulse purchasing is not significant;(2)the main effect of the price discount type is significant;(3)the interaction between time pressure and price discount type on online impulse buying is significant;(4)the main effect of the consumer’s regulatory focus on online impulse purchasing is significant;(5)the interaction between time pressure and consumer’s regulatory focus on online impulse buying is significant;(6)the interaction between price discount type and consumer’s regulatory focus on online impulse buying is not significant;(7)the interaction between time pressure,price discount type and consumer’s regulatory focus on online impulse buying is significant.This paper combines time pressure,price discount type and the consumer’s regulatory focus tendency to form an integrated research perspective,and constructs the research model according to the effect of time pressure,price discount type and consumer’s regulatory focus on the online impulse buying.This paper analyzes the mechanism of the effect using the method of variance analysis,and points out the ways to optimize the promotion plan for the network business or the enterprise,to promote the impulse buying and to enhance the enterprise’s performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Impulse Buying, Time-limited Promotion, Time Pressure, Price Discount Type, Regulatory Focus
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