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The Influence Of Price Discount And Time Pressure On Buying Intention In Impulsive Purchase In Network Group

Posted on:2017-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542968770Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,along with the rapid development of the Internet,and the improvement of people’s living standards,as a new way of consumption the network group purchase has also arisen,which brought great convenience for people’s daily consumption the number of network buy site once reached more than 5,000.However,due to the low network entry threshold,and the high degree of homogeneity,in the absence of industry regulation,the problems of the network buy industry began to gradually exposed,such as unguaranteed after-sales service,the quality problem,line products and online images are inconsistent,vicious market competition and other issues after another.The problem all exposed not only promote the network buy industry to re-shuffle adjustment,but also promote consumer participation in consumer psychology and behavior to change quietly.However,most of the research on the network buy in China still stays on the current situation,problems and countermeasures of group purchase,and less on consumer psychology and consumer behavior.In addition,group buying products are mostly low-involvement products,consumers are prone to impulsive purchase.Therefore,it is of great significance to carry out research on consumers’ impulsive purchase intention in the context of group purchase.This paper firstly reviews the literatures about online group buying and impulsive purchase,analyzes the present situation,development characteristics and existing problems of online buy industry in China at the present stage,and sums up the factors influencing impulsive purchase and summarizes them.The characteristics of price discount and time pressure are put into the theoretical model of the paper,and the hypothesis is put forward according to the characteristics of time restriction and price discount.Based on the analysis of the proportion of different types of group buying products in recent years,this paper selects the food products as the research object,and adopts the questionnaire survey and the experimental method to carry on the research.The experimental results of this paper are as follows:(1)Price discounts have a positive impact on impulsive buying intentions;(2)Time pressure has a positive impact on impulsive buying intentions;(3)The effect of price discount on impulse purchase intention is significant at different time pressures;(4)The personality traits of consumers have a moderating effect on the relationship between price discount and impulsive purchase intention;(5)Consumers with different personality traits,the price discount on the impact of impulsive buying will have significant differences;(6)Consumer personality traits have a moderating effect on the relationship between time pressure and impulsive buying intention;(7)Consumers with different personality traits,the impact of time pressure on impulsive buying intentions have significant differences.In the end,the author gives some suggestions on the marketing activities of the Group buy websites,and discusses the shortcomings of this research and the direction of further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Team-buying on the Internet, Price Discount, Time Pressure, Impulsive Purchase, Personality Traits
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