The rapid development of the Internet under the circumstances of the birth of social media marketing innovation model for any business that is the opport unity,but also challenges.Forum,microblogging,We Chat and other social media in the social media marketing still occupy an important position,net red economy,fans realize,WeChat red envelopes,integrated marketing,hot marketing become the prevailing social media marketing new features,Reputation and other traditiona l network marketing strategy in the new social media marketing environment high lights a new special role,pain caused by UGC,the original video,PGC + BUC + UGC strong combination has become a social media marketing innovation strategy The most important thing.The mobile payment,content payment,original from the medi a,"experience is king" is becoming the future development trend.The author analyzes the concept of "social media marketing" by means of qua litative analysis and literature research,and summarizes the concept of social media marketing compared with traditional network marketing.Under the new featu res presented by analyzing the past two years of social media marketing in the media platform presented the problem,put forward a new constructive solution st rategy,and the future of the most likely to show the trend of social media mark eting theory Prejudgment and reflection. |