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Social Media Marketing Strategy Research Of Hongkong I.T Apparel Group

Posted on:2015-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428970985Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the rapid development of global Internet technology has changed thepublic access to get information and efficiency of the way for enterprises to carry outmarketing activities provide new opportunities and possibilities. Emerging Internet-basedsocial media is a new category, and gradually affect people’s consumption patterns, and italso brings a marketing strategy revolution for enterprises, more and more enterprises usesocial media platforms to interact and communicate with consumers directly. Under thesocial media environment, how to obtain greater profits’ efficiency has become the mustthinking about problem for management of enterprises.Different from traditional media, the formation and development of social mediamakes a big change for enterprises’marketing concept and marketing practices. This thesistakes social media as a platform, studies for the social media marketing of Hong Kong I.TGroup. The first chapter describes the main research background, purpose and meaning, aswell as research content, methods and structures. The second chapter literature reviewmainly social media and social media marketing as a theoretical basis, and clarify thedifference between traditional media marketing and social media marketing. The thirdchapter discusses the traditional marketing status of Hong Kong I.T Group, the status ofsocial media marketing based on the Internet technology development, and also highlightsthree social media relevant case studies. The fourth chapter illustrates the group’s overallsocial media marketing strategy and objectives, by analyzing the effect of social mediamarketing ongoing discussions of the group, focusing on how to build a complete socialmedia marketing system, to analysis the group’s social media marketing specific policies.The fifth chapter is focused on building the I.T group wechat platform marketing strategiesrelies on the development of Internet technology as well. The sixth chapter summarizesthis thesis for ending.
Keywords/Search Tags:Social Media, Hong Kong I.T Group, Social Media Marketing, MarketingStrategy, Wechat Marketing
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