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Doping Effect On Sinterability And Spectral Properties Of Yttria Based Transparent Ceramics

Posted on:2019-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330551957030Subject:Optical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Transparent Y2O3 ceramic is kind of a new light functional material which has excellent properties.Not only does it has an excellent light transmittance performance which is similar to single crystal and glass,but also it has properties such as high-temperature resistance,high pressure resistance,corrosion resistance,high strength,high hardness,which is like ceramics.Because of these excellent characteristics,it has advantages in terms of lighting,optical and medical instruments,laser grain medium,armor,infrared detection,etc.,thus it gets wide attention.In this paper,the sintering aids and rare ions doping effect on yttria-based powders and transparent ceramics are systematic discussed.The synthesis of powders and transparent ceramics are also investigated by a co-precipitation processing and the solid state reaction method,and the methods as well as process are on comparison.The main points are as follows:(1)Er3+:Y2O3 powders and ceramics doped with various ZrO2 and La2O3concentrations were calcinated at different temperatures by the solid state reaction processing,and the evolution of the phase composition,morphology and luminescence properties were studied.It is indicated that the incorporation of La3+and Zr4+into Y2O3 host lattice can effectively suppressed the grain-boundary migration,and improve density and transmittance of Er3+:Y2O3 transparent ceramics,and the luminescence can also be enhanced.(2)Fabrication of 1 mol%Ho3+with different sensitizing ions(Yb3+,Tm3+,Er3+)co-doped(Y0.88La0.09Zr0.03)2O3 transparent ceramics was synthesized by the solid state reaction.Doping effect of different ions on the phase composition,morphology and luminescence properties of the ceramic was investigated.The results show that the doping of sensitizing ions can enhance the luminescence and improve the transmittance of transparent ceramics.(3)Er3+:Y2O3 and Tm3+:Y2O3 transparent ceramics with doping of 0.5 mol%different kinds of sintering aids(Sc2O3,Lu2O3,ZnO,TiO2)and 3 mol%ZrO2 led to a high transmittance.The doping effect of the different sintering aids on the luminescence was studied.The optical properties of the above yttria based transparent ceramics were reported at the first time.(4)The(Y0.88La0.09Zr0.03)2O3 nanopowders with excellent properties were prepared by co-precipitation processing,and the high optical quality transparent ceramic was fabricated with the above nanopowders.The nanopowders were synthesized by co-precipitation process with NH3·H2O as precipitant,and the effects of(NH42SO4 and PEG-400 as dispersants and calcination temperature were discussed.The result indicated that the nanopowders exhibited homogeneously spherical morphology and good dispersivity when calcinated at 1200℃for 2 h,and the average particle size were 96 nm.Various concentrations of Er3+doped(Y0.88La0.09Zr0.03)2O3 transparent ceramics were synthesized by the co-precipitation process,and the evolution of the phase composition,morphology and luminescences properties were studied.
Keywords/Search Tags:yttrium oxide, sintering aids, luminescence property, solid state reaction, co-precipitation, nanopowders, transparent ceramic
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