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Research On An Improved Boost-Sepic Converter With Magnetic Switching Inductors

Posted on:2019-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330572952559Subject:Electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today’s world,with the improvement of people’s living standards,science and technology have become the mainstay of our lives with the advancement of human civilization.People’s lives depend on the survival of primary energy and energy,and they are gradually consumed.Solar energy gradually enters people’s sights.Photovoltaic power generation system has become an important issue for scholars in various countries.For this reason,the direct sunlight is used to rectify the light and enter the DC/DC converter through a single power supply.The DC/DC converter has been studied in depth after analyzing Sepic converters.Inspired by the idea of cascading,a new type of improved converter,namely,an improved Boost-Sepic converter structure,is characterized in that the converted electric energy can directly supply power to the following loads.Because there is no transformer to make the circuit structure simple and clear,the voltage gain is obviously improved.In order to improve the voltage gain of the improved Boost-Sepic converter,reduce the output inductor ripple,and improve the quality of the output power of the converter,this paper presents an improved Boost-Sepic converter with integrated switching inductance.Replaces a storage inductor in an improved Boost-Sepic converter with a switching inductor unit,and integrates the two inductors in the switching inductor unit magnetically and integrates with a three inductor of an energy storage inductor,respectively;Reduces the size of magnetic components,reduces inductor current ripple and optimizes converter transients.The operating modes of the converter are analyzed,and the improved Boost-Sepic converters,improved Boost-Sepic converters based on switching inductors,and improved Boost-Sepic converters with integrated switching inductors are derived.Magnetically integrated three-inductor improved Boost-Sepic converter voltage gain expression,voltage stress of switches and diodes,inductor current ripple.The equivalent inductance was calculated using the current inductor ripple,and the relationship between the inductor current ripple coefficient and the coupling coefficient was obtained.The relationship between them was plotted using Mathcad,and a reasonable magnetic component integration method was designed based on the illustration.Equivalent magnetic circuits and equivalent circuits have been established.Finally,the analysis of the simulation diagram and the validation of the prototype experiment.It shows that the Boost-Sepic converter with improved magnetic switching inductance has excellent comprehensive performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Switching Inductors, Couplings, Magnetic Integration, Modified Boost-Sepic Converters
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