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Study On Quality Standard Of Gentian Made From Wine And Tissue Distribution Of Gentiopicrin In Rats

Posted on:2020-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330572975931Subject:Medicine identification study
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:To establish the quality standard of wine-made gentian,effectively control the quality of wine-made gentian,and ensure the safety and effectiveness of clinical use of gentian.By comparing the tissue distribution of gentian in rats before and after wine production,this paper discussed the sexual flavor regression of wine-made gentian in order to provide a theoretical basis for further clinical application.Methods:HPLC method was used to determine the content of gentiopicrin in wine-made gentian,a multi-evaluation method was established to determine the content of three kinds of cyclene etheriterpenoids in wine-made gentian,and ultraviolet spectrophotometry was used to determine the content of total flavones in wine-made gentian.The tissue distribution of gentiopicrin in raw from the gentian/wine gentian decoction was determined by LC-MC and the effect of wine-made gentian on human hepatocellular carcinoma cell QGY-7703 was determined by CCK-8 method.Results:The average water content,total ash content,acid insoluble ash content and extract content of 10 batches of Gentian were 6.34%,6.32%,2.85% and 55.70%,respectively.The content of heavy metals and pesticide residues were all far below the relevant standards.The average content of gentiopicrin was 3.69%.The content of three compounds in wine gentian was determined by QAMS method.The relative deviation between the calculated value and the measured value was less than 5%,and the average content of total flavonoids was 0.78%.The results of this experiment provide scientific basis for the establishment of the quality standard of wine gentian.The tissue distribution of gentiopicrin in raw was studied before and after gentian wine products.It was found that compared with gentian,gentiopicrin in wine-made gentian was more distributed in liver and kidney than in other tissues.Wine-made gentian has inhibitory effect on hepatocellular carcinoma cell QGY-7703.Conclusion:The quality standard of wine gentian has been systematically studied in this experiment,which provides the theoretical and experimental basis for standardizing the quality standard of wine gentian.It was found that alcohol production could affect the distribution of gentiopicrin in gentian in rats.This conclusion provides scientific basis and processing mechanism for rational clinical application in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gentiana in wine, Gentiopicroside, QAMS, Total flavonoids, Body Distribution
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