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Discourse Analysis Of David Cameron’s Speech In Aberdeen:From The Perspective Of Appraisal System

Posted on:2016-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330590469242Subject:Foreign Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study is designed to conduct a discourse analysis to investigate David Cameron’s last speech in Scotland before the referendum within the framework of APPRAISAL System.Under the guidance of this system,the study explores the distribution of the resources of Attitude,Engagement,Graduation as well as that of their sub-systems.Based on the distribution,the study presents the preference of the addresser for the appraisal resources and the reason accounting for such preference.Moreover,a sequential analysis of the three subsystems is conducted in order to reveal the messages the speaker intends to convey.Based on the analysis,the study comes to the conclusion that David Cameron realizes the effect of persuasion via(1)resonating with the listeners emotionally so as to gain rapport with them,(2)combining strong intervention in issues concerning fundamental principles with making space for dialogical alternatives in terms of controversial matters,(3)and enhancing the speaker’s intensity of emotions and degree of his investment into the utterance.
Keywords/Search Tags:APPRAISAL System, Political Speech, Scottish Independence Referendum, Persuasion
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