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Research On American Republican Party In The Initial Period(1854-1860)

Posted on:2019-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330548454548Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After 1850,the issue of slavery became very serious and it would have reached the level that caused the crisis.In 1854,the Republican Party,whose mission was to abolish slavery was established.The birth of the Republican Party became the largest political party in the United States? It not only immediately became the majority party in the entire north,but also enjoyed prestige throughout the entire Midwest.In fact,it was loyal to those pioneers who were always ready to move to the more distant west to develop new land.These hard-working people are afraid that slavery will prevent them from continuing to advance to the steppe."Republicanism" has actually become synonymous with "Federalism" and "Northern patriotism." This article mainly introduces the background of the establishment of the Republican Party,the idea of the Republican Party in the initial stage and the practical activities carried out around the claim,and the impact of the Republican Party on the United State during the Initial period.The full text is divided into five parts,a total of four chapters.The preface mainly explains the reasons for this topic,the significance of the topic,and a review of domestic research in this field.The first chapter mainly introduces the establishment of the Republican Party.The development of the Industrial Revolution in the United States has had a far-reaching impact on American society and has broken the boundaries of time and space.The completion of economic integration in the north-west and north-east has laid the foundation for the political integration of the two regions through the organization of the Republican Party.The slavery system led the development of the southern economy to a road that was very different from the north.Planters established their own "cotton kingdom" by exploiting slaves.Politically,with the collapse of the second party system,the Third Party Movement,represented by a ignorant party,has risen.The Republican Party came into being under such a complicated background.The second chapter mainly introduces the idea of the Republican Party's initialcreation period.The issue of slavery in the 1850 s was intensifying,and the Republican Party was born out of the call for the abolition of slavery.In order to attract long-term development,the Republican Party has also joined the claims of free labor,nativism,and racism.The third chapter mainly introduces the practical activities launched during the Republican Party's initial creation around the idea,namely,the 1856 and 1860 presidential elections.Although the Republican Party lost in the presidential election of 1856,it showed great potential,which is enough to stand in opposition to the Democratic Party.In the 1860 presidential election,the Republican Party elected Lincoln as the presidential candidate,and began to debate Douglas on the issue of slavery,and ultimately ended with Lincoln winning the presidency.The fourth chapter mainly introduces the Republican Party in the initial stage of the impact on the ensuing civil war and the two-party system of the United States.The Republican Party who advocated the abolition of slavery-the success of Lincoln's campaign,so that the contradictions between the North and the South to the point of irreconcilable development,the Civil War is imminent.The Republican Party's success in running for the presidency also laid the foundation for the final formation of the U.S.two-party system.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Republican party, Slavery, Free Labor, Nativism, Racism
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