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Research On Copyright Protection Of Artificial Intelligence Creations

Posted on:2019-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W C ZhangFull Text:PDF
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As far as copyright law is concerned,the machine has been only an auxiliary tool for creation and dissemination,which is limited to writing and enriching the types of the carrier,and does not produce any independent copyright legal effect.An intervention in the creation of a work.The AI robot in the US has been able to produce fine art and aesthetic works of art and show them in galleries and museums.Microsoft's intelligent robot Xiaobing has been able to write poetry,and published his own personal paper poetry "The sun has lost the window of the glass".The substitution of artificial intelligence for human creative actions poses new challenges to the existing copyright rules.Since the modern copyright law came into being,its legislative goal has always been to encourage the creation and dissemination of the works by giving the rights holders legal and exclusive rights over the works.The identification of the work and its attribution also centered on the copyright owner as the subject.Works expressed as originality are considered to have to be derived from human thoughts and feelings.Similarly,rights based on works may only be attributed to copyright holders made up of natural persons,legal persons and other organizations.The significance of legal persons and other organizations in the copyright system is reflected in the organization and investment in the creation and dissemination of works.It is necessary for industrial development and division of labor,and the final settlement is still to motivate people's specific behavior.Different from the previous methods of machine intervention in creative behavior,the way and result of artificial intelligence generation of content now is to be able to independently capture relevant material and express it in a creative way,instead of being limited to the capture and integration of information..So there will be the following two related copyright legal issues: first,whether artificial intelligence generated content can be identified as a work;second,the right of artificial intelligence to generate contentWith the continuous improvement of artificial intelligence technology and the continuous increase in the content generated by artificial intelligence,if the content attributes and rights ownership are not clearly defined,it will not only cause a large number of copyright legal disputes to have a serious impact on the existing copyright market,but also be detrimental to labor.The long-term and steady development of intelligence.In view of this,this article attempts to first clarify the two major issues of copyright protection of content generated by artificial intelligence,and then type the results of artificial intelligence generated content to determine the scope of this study;again,through the artificial intelligence creation Controversy analysis analyzes the focus of disputes,discusses and analyzes the focus,and defines the legal attributes of artificial intelligence creations;finally,it uses artificial intelligence to generate the judgment results of the content's works to determine the ownership and specific rights content of artificial intelligence-generated content.
Keywords/Search Tags:artificial intelligence, Artificial intelligence creation, Legal attributes, Ownership of rights, Neighboring rights
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