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Study On The Influence Of Rural Political Elites In Village Transformation

Posted on:2019-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J WuFull Text:PDF
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The problem of rural development becomes more serious with the process of urbanization.Traditional villages either disappear or transform,well,it's supposed to replace the disappearance with the transformation.In fact,the village transformation mode is more sustainable with internal spontaneity as the main part and external forces intervention as the supplement.In this process of transformation,the village political elites play an irreplaceable role.They are the agent of state power,the watchman of village construction and the representative of family interests.They are an important force in rural economic and social development,because they fully guarantee the autonomy and initiative of village transformation and development.This study takes Yuan Village in Shaanxi Province as an example.This study is based on empirical investigation,and comprehensive literature research,questionnaire survey,case interview,life history research and other research methods.Firstly,this paper describes the transformation basis and process of Yuan Village from traditional agriculture to village collective industry and then to rural tourism,and describes the constitution and characteristics of the rural political elites in this process.Furthermore,the paper analyzes the positive and negative effects of rural political elites on village transformation,and analyzes the restrictive factors of rural political elites.While responding to the theory of social transformation,elite cycle theory and life course theory,this study provides detailed materials and references for the study of village transformation and development.The study also enriches and develops the theoretical research on rural political elites and village transformation,and provides reference for the development of Chinese villages.These are some results and the basic conclusions of this study.Firstly,the study summarizes the basic path of village transformation.The first stage was the development of agriculture from poverty to abundance in Yuan Village in the 1970 s and 1980 s.The second stage was the shift from agriculture to village collective industrial development from the1980 s to the year 2000.The third stage is the shift from industry to rural tourism from 2000 to the present.The stage of its transformation is closely related to the changes of political elites.Secondly,the study analyzes the positive influence of rural political elites in villagetransformation.The rural political elites have four positive roles in the transformation of the village.The value of the village is redefined through their exploitation of traditional resources.The order of the village has been reintegrated through their improvement of the management and supervision mechanism.The endogenous motive force of village development can be re-established through them to establish a mechanism for the distribution of benefits.The villagers' identification with the village can be reconstructed through their construction of the restraint mechanism.Therefore,the village political elites have inspired the autonomy and creativity of the village transformation and made the village development have centripetal force.Finally,this paper analyzes the negative influence and restrictive factors of the rural political elites in the village transformation.The rural political elites have influenced the cultivation and succession of them because of their strong family concept.Because their power is too centralized,the villagers lose some rights about their development.At the same time,the disharmony between villages caused by their monopoly on resources.The study found that there are some factors that limit the role of rural political elites in the transformation of the village,such as personal quality,elite role,relationship between cadres and the masses and policy system.The study suggests that rural political elites should play a full role in the transformation of villages by solving these problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural political elites, village transformation, endogenous development
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