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A Study On The Egyptian Modern Ruling Elites

Posted on:2021-08-08Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1486306455963779Subject:World History
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The modern Egyptian ruling elites can be divided into various categories according to their origin and the resources they use to obtain political status.Among them,the military political elites,the legal political elites,and the economic elites are the three main types.The military political elites are the most influential ruling elites in the modern history of Egypt.After the July 23 revolution of 1952,the military political elites stepped onto the Egyptian political stage.Since then,the development of the military political elites have basically been in a state of prosperity and expansion.First,the military political elites have expanded their ruling base through land reform,and have banned party activities to make themselves the only legitimate political force on the political stage.Second,the military political elites have achieved dual expansion in the political and economic spheres.At the political level,the Permanent Constitution is the president's most prominent manifestation of power expansion.At the economic level,the military political elites use national preferential policies to participate in the country's infrastructure and industrial construction.Thirdly,the military political elites,dressed in democratic outerwear such as multi-party system and multi-candidate(morecandidates-than-position)elections,continued to advance their control of political power and their pursuit of economic interests.Finally,the military political elites who experienced the shock of the "1·25" revolution of 2011 finally returned to the Egyptian political arena with the help of the masses.In the process of the military political elites in power,the interaction between them was mainly cooperation,but differences and struggles were not excluded.The construction and reform of Egypt's modern judicial system promoted the independence of the judiciary and opened up the way for modern legal talents to become numbers of the dominant elites.From the establishment of the constitutional monarchy to the fall of the republican Mubarak government,the Egypt's modern legal political elites experienced three periods of development: the prosperous period,the decay period and the revival period.The legal political elites played an important role in the changes in the Egyptian regime.The legal political elites used their professional advantages to mobilize the masses to participate in the revolution,which promoted the promulgation of Egypt's 1923 constitution.In the process of establishing the "7·23" military regime,the legal political elites not only gave the regime its constitutional legitimacy,but also excluded their political enemies from the dominant position to the greatest extent.After the January 25 revolution,the Morsi regime lost its political status in the contest with the government's legal political elites.The government's legal political elites supported the July 3 of 2013 military coup and actively maintained the political and social order after the coup.The Egyptian economic elites can be divided into traditional economic elites and modern economic elites.With the development of Egyptian capitalism,the traditional economic elites gradually changed to the modern economic elites.Under the background of military political elites in power,the power of traditional economic elites has relatively weakened,but still retains certain political and economic strength.After experiencing the dormancy of nationalization,modern economic elites have regained vitality in the process of open policies and privatization,and have used political parties and media tools to become a group with increasing political influence.In the interactive relationship with the military political elites,the economic elites play the role of a servant and basically runs through the entire process of the development of the Egyptian military political elites.In the Egyptian political process,the value orientation of the ruling elites not only directly affect the country's development path,but also determines their own destiny.The military political elites occupy the chief position of the ruling elites.Therefore,the values of the military political elites are related to the main value orientation of the ruling elites.Nationalism was initially the most basic value orientation of the military political elites,allowing it to enter the political arena and continue to rule for decades.But as the meaning of nationalism changed,the legitimacy of the rule of the military political elites was threatened.Secularism and authoritarianism are two other important value orientations of ruling elites in control of power.In contrast,the ruling elites are more passive in their choice of values for liberalism and democracy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Egypt, Military political elites, Legal political elites, Economic elites, Interaction, Value Orientation
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