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The Pattern Of Balancing Among Regional Powers In The Era Without Great Power Wars

Posted on:2020-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330572470347Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Paying attention to the changes in the international system is great help to understanding state behavior and international relations.The first chapter of this thesis aims to reflect on the theory to fill the gaps in the existing theory.The concern of " No War among Great Powers"is not only a statement and generalization of the empirical phenomenon,but also an important principle of the great power's foreign strategy.Although there is no longer a direct war between great powers,the pursuit of power by sovereign states,especially big powers,is still widespread.At the same time,compared with the United States and the Soviet Union during the Post-Cold War era,the characteristics and forms of power checks and balances have undergone new changes and developments.The second and third chapters are based on the space-time limitation of the theory of this thesis,and the national behavior of Japan in Abe period is selected as a research case.^As a regional power in East Asia,Japan has always regarded China as a check and balance,and its friction during the Abe administration has been upgraded earlier than that.It has strengthened its influence with China in the Asia-Pacific region,and bilateral relations have obvious" eparating politics from economy".This paper hold that this kind of state behavior is stimulated by the external system of the international system,including the relative distribution of power,the clarity of threats,the nature of strategic environment,etc.;domestic factors include the image of leaders,strategic culture,state-society relations,domestic systems,etc.It determines the country's perception,decision-making and execution of international factors;and believes that Japan's overbalancing will not only lead to an increase in the political costs of the country,but also to the easing of the international environment.Based on the international and domestic analysis of Japan's balancing,which shows the profound changes in the current power balance model and helps to understand Japan's state behavior.At the same time,as a rising country,China still needs to actively respond to this international political reality in order to cope with the risks brought about by changes in the international situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:No War among Great Powers, Sino-Japanese Relations, Abe Administration
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