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Building A Community Of Shared Future For Mankind:The Chinese Solution To Tackle "Great Change Unseen In A Century"

Posted on:2020-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330578951441Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In June 2018,at the Central Conference on Foreign Affairs,President Xi Jinping pointed out:"At present,China is in the best period of development in modern times,and the world has been undergoing great changes which are unseen in a century."This is the latest judgement of current world’s political and economic structure.In such an era of change,human society is facing great changes in the fields of economy,politics,culture,security,and ecology that "unseen in a century".In face of the close ties among countries,the instability of the world situation,and the risks and challenges of the world,the world is struggling in many areas.Western capitalist countries,which have dominated the international community in modern times,are one of the main responsible for these problems.The "individual standard" values,"Western centralism"and "capital logic" that advocated by Western capitalist countries are the main reasons for these phenomena.Under the background of this era and the basis of reality,the Chinese Solution to build a community of shared future for mankind come into being.This plan advocates innovative and mutually beneficial development prospects,equal and mutual understanding of partnerships,and exchanges among different civilizations,joint construction and sharing of security patterns,and advocating natural ecosystems to cope with the difficulties encountered by the international community in related fields.The idea of building a community of shared future for mankind,advocating "joint development and sharing",sovereign equality,and pursuing human progress,it has received more and more attention and recognition in the international community.The establishment of a community of shared future for mankind is conducive to the innovation of China’s international relations theory and practice and the great rejuvenation of China,and promotes China’s continuous progress in the new era;it is conducive to the innovation of global governance theory and the construction of a new international order,and promotes the development of the international community in an atmosphere of peace and stability;it is conducive to the self-liberation of mankind and the progress of human civilization,and leads human society to a better future in a complex and volatile situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Building a Community of Shared Destiny for Mankind, "Great change unseen in a century", Western civilization, Chinese Solution
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