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Research On The Legal Regulation Of Private Subjects In The Privatization Of Public Administration

Posted on:2020-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330590460764Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research on the privatization of public administration has gradually deepened,and there have been more studies on the government’s responsibility,boundaries and the legitimacy of privatization,but less on the legal regulation of private subject behavior in privatization,and the private subject The behavior directly determines the completion of the public administration task,so the effective regulation of the private subject is the focus of this paper.The second chapter puts forward the dual analysis framework of the privatization of public administration.It divides the public administration into the administrative field and the administrative field of order.Firstly,it introduces the basis of binary analysis,including its source and significance.Secondly,it applies to the choice of theories in privatization.Finally,it discusses the specific content of binary analysis,from three aspects: regulation characteristics,legal boundaries and regulatory measures.The first chapter is Introduction.First introduce the first reason and the significance of the research.Secondly,it analyzes and summarizes the concept of privatization of public administration and the mode of privatization.Finally,it sorts out and summarizes the relevant literatures at home and abroad.The content provides a theoretical basis.The second chapter proposes the binary analysis framework of privatization of public administration.Public administration will be divided into payment administrative field and order administrative field.Firstly,it introduces the basis of binary analysis,including its source and significance.Secondly,it discusses the specific content of binary analysis,and discusses it from three aspects: its own regulation characteristics,legal boundaries and regulatory measures.The third chapter pays the regulation of private subjects in administrative privatization.The first is analyze the regulatory characteristics of the field,the second is discuss the privatization boundary issue of the payment administration,and finally put forward specific regulatory measures,mainly from the four aspects of government regulation,third parties,self-regulation and emergency measures.The fourth chapter regulates the regulation of private subjects in the privatization of order.Similar to the structure of Chapter three,discussing its regulatory characteristics,privatization restricted zones and specific regulatory measures.In the regulation measures,the method of regulation is studied according to the participation of private entities.The fifth chapter is the judicial review under the privatization of public administration.In order to solve the disputes in practice brought about by privatization,it proposes possible improvement and improvement in administrative litigation.The first is the determination of the plaintiff’s qualifications,followed by the improvement of the review criteria,and finally the analysis of the basis for the review.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public administration, Privatization, Private subject, Rules
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