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The Chinese Revolution In The View Of "Outsider"

Posted on:2020-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330596968042Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The history of the Chinese revolution is the history of the Chinese people finding the way to save the country in order to rejuvenate China since modern times,and the history of the Communist Party of China fighting bravely for the liberation of the Chinese nation and the happiness of the people.It is also the history of the Communist Party of China persisting in emancipating the mind,seeking truth from facts,and constantly exploring the realization of the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with the reality of China.Joseph W.Esherick is a famous professor of Chinese studies.He is divided into the "third generation" American Chinese scholars after John King Fairbank and Frederic Wakeman by Huang Zongzhi.The study of the history of Chinese revolution has run through the main line of Zhou Xirui's study of China so far.Understanding the study of Chinese revolutionary history by overseas scholars as "outsiders" is helpful for Chinese scholars to absorb western theories and methods and promote the diversification of the research perspective of Chinese revolutionary history.Taking Joseph W.Esherick as a case study,based on the analysis of Joseph W.Esherick's research concept,this paper pays close attention to his research contents,methods and perspectives on the history of Chinese revolution,and compares Joseph W.Esherick's personal research characteristics with the overall research characteristics of the academic community.Recognize its intrinsic relevance.According to the time span analysis of its research,this paper realizes the combination of macro and micro,the combination of specific analysis and overall analysis,the combination of historical theory and research examples,reflecting the different contents and characteristics of Joseph W.Esherick in different stages of research.Joseph W.Esherick has been studying the history of Chinese revolution for more than half a century.He uses the method of social history to interpret the social background and nature of the Revolution of 1911 from the perspective of leadership,and focuses on the origin of the Boxer Movement from the perspectives of religion and culture.The development process of China's communist revolution is deduced from the nationalist characteristics.Throughout Joseph W.Esherick's research,he broke through the existing research paradigm of "Western impact Theory",selected representative specific events of the Chinese revolution,and carried out a long-term analysis of the social structure under the "Great Historical Vision." Focus on the nationalist characteristics of revolutionary events,explore the role of the masses of different social strata in revolutionary events.Of course,Joseph W.Esherick,as an "outsider",because of the different growth environment and cultural background,is bound to be influenced by ideology,and there is a deviation from the judgment of the historical data of Chinese revolutionary events;there is a lack of research on the subject emotion of revolutionaries.It is impossible to feel the atmosphere of the revolution;to a certain extent,the research perspective is limited to the micro,lack of exploration and grasp of the macro-development law of Chinese history.In the new era,summing up and reflecting on Joseph W.Esherick's experience and shortcomings in the study of "outsider" makes us realize that Chinese scholars should firmly use historical materialism to explore the process of the development of the Chinese revolution.Search for the basic laws in the course of the development of the Chinese revolution.As Xi Jinping has said,China should firmly promote the development of the study of China's revolutionary history and establish an academic discourse system with Chinese characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:History of Chinese revolution, American scholars, Joseph W.Esherick, Overseas Chinese studies
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