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Research On Network Security Management Of Guangzhou Salvage Bureau

Posted on:2020-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330602952990Subject:Public management
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In 1946,the birth of the world’s first electronic computer ushered in the dawn of the information age;in 1969,the birth of the Internet’s predecessor "Apa Net" opened the "global village" era of information communication;we entered the 21st century and we ushered in information.In the era of globalization,the informationization of government enterprises and institutions has reached a new level.In this era of informationization,the Guangzhou Salvage Bureau of the Ministry of Transport,as a public welfare second-class institution that undertakes the last line of defense for maritime safety in the South China Sea,must adapt to the needs of the ever-changing new situation and revolve around the "powerful countries" and"ocean powers"."Building,seizing opportunities,and promoting the transformation of development methods by means of improving the level of informatization,thereby integrating the overall rescue and salvage resource allocation and improving emergency rescue and salvage capabilities.However,with the development of informatization,there are still many problems in the network safety management of the Salvage Bureau of Guangzhou.It will gradually become a bottleneck affecting the development of the salvage bureau in Guangzhou.Introducing a new construction concept and strengthening the research on network security management is a big step for the Guangzhou Salvage Bureau.The urgent need for development."Network security and informationization are two wings,driving two wheels."The system analyzes the status quo of network security,the causes of problems,and proposes reasonable countermeasures and suggestions in a targeted manner,which is more conducive to further promoting the development of informatization in Guangzhou Salvage Bureau.And perfect.In order to enrich and improve the theoretical research on network security management of Guangzhou Salvage Bureau and strengthen the institutionalization,scientific and standardized construction of network security work,this paper uses a combination of theoretical research and applied research to explore the network from the perspective of public management.The connotation of two basic concepts of security and network security management,and the use of new public management theory,information security management theory,risk management theory and other related theories,using comparative analysis,research,literature research and other research methods,in summary of the Guangzhou Salvage Bureau network On the basis of the development history of safety management,the problems and countermeasures of network safety management of Guangzhou Salvage Bureau are closely focused on the research object,from the network security management system,network security infrastructure construction,system construction and security awareness that affect network security.,personnel management and other aspects to start,analyze the problem,find the lack.Combined with the problems of the network safety management of the Guangzhou Salvage Bureau and the advanced management experience of the Fujian Maritime Safety Administration,Yantai Salvage Bureau,and the South China Sea Rescue Bureau,it is concluded that a sound leadership mechanism and a comprehensive,long-term top-level strategic planning deployment are network security.The conclusion of managing the essential elements that are effective.Therefore,it is necessary to combine the network security and other security assessments to make the top-level design and unified planning of the network security management mechanism,forming a network security protection system that runs through the entire level of the Guangzhou Salvage Bureau and adapts to the new situation.The bureau internally strengthened employees’ network security awareness,launched a network security knowledge contest,conducted offensive and defensive drills,focused on strengthening the construction of network security management talents,improved network security organization and management system,and changed the past in the construction of network security,building light software,neglecting management.The problem.By strengthening the construction of network security infrastructure,technical support,management,equipment,and talent teams will support each other’s collaboration,and there will be no shortcomings to provide network security for the Guangzhou Salvage Bureau to effectively perform missions.The development of information technology represented by computer Internet is changing with each passing day,and the development of network security theory is bound to be a dynamic development process.The network security management work is not a one-time project once and for all.It requires us to combine the development of theory and technology,to implement the network security level protection system as the starting point,to update in real time in actual work,and to continuously improve from management and technology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network Security, Network Security Management, Network Security System
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