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How To Empower Women-Brunei Darussalam A Case Study

Posted on:2021-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Nurul Hamizah binti Haji SarbiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330611451689Subject:International affairs and global politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This research is basically about how to women's empowerment and of course this research will also related to the gender equalities.This paper research also identifies the Gender inequalities issues among women and how this will have greatly impact on the women's empowerment.This research conducted in Brunei Darussalam of 200 respondents via online survey and 5 people are being interviewedThis paper contained about seven chapters that will be including about the background of this paper research,the problem facing by women in Brunei due to the gender inequality and how to minimize the gap of this issues.In this paper,it also discuss on how this paper conducted,the general information about current situation of women in Brunei Darussalam,and a discussion on the finding are expected to understand the issues to better understanding the problem and how to tackle this problems.Lastly in this paper research,there are policy suggestion also recommended in this paper to minimized the gap issue.
Keywords/Search Tags:women Empower, Empowerment Brunei Darussalam
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