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Understanding The Gratification Of Users On The Continuance Intention To Use MOBA Mobile Game

Posted on:2020-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590982366Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2015,MOBA games have reached a new development peak.The launch of the mobile game Arena of Valor not only marks the successful transformation of MOBA games from the computer to the mobile phone,but also marks the new development climax of domestic mobile game market.The popularity of Arena of Valor in Chinese market has made it very representative.With 200 million registered users,Arena of Valor has become not only a form of entertainment for player,but also an important medium for their daily communication.Now,with the new "release" of other types of games,Arena of Valor is not as popular as the one-and-a-half-year period after launching and the fluctuations in the user retention rate is also real.Therefore,the player group of the game gradually entered my research sight:What factors have affected the player’s choice to continue using MOBA mobile games?Among the possible factors,which ones have a greater impact on the user’s continued motivation to play?In order to find out the main factors that affecting the willingness of MOBA players to continue to use,and the differences in the degree of influence of these factors on their willingness to use,this paper will first use the empirical research method,by drawing on the Expectation-confirmation model,the Uses and Gratification Theory,and the previous research on the motivation of players of online game users,the conceptual model of this research was constructed and relevant research hypotheses were proposed.Subsequently,the author confirmed the indicators of each latent variable of the conceptual model according to the relevant research,and took Arena of Valor as the investigation object by the questionnaire survey method,and finally collected 352 valid sample data.Then,the author used statistical analysis software to analyze the sample data to test whether the research hypothesis of this study is valid.Finally,the paper also analyzes and discusses the research hypothesis results through the discussion of the game industry report and in-depth interviews with six players.At last,through data analysis,this study found that five factors positively affect player’s satisfaction to the MOBA mobile game: expectation confirmation,perceived usefulness,social satisfaction,competition satisfaction and immersion satisfaction;The expectation confirmation positively effect on the player’s perceived usefulness;and The expectation confirmation satisfaction;Four factors positively affect player’s continuance motivation to use a MOBA mobile game: expectation confirmation,satisfaction,social satisfaction and competition satisfaction.In addition,this study also made recommendations to MOBA game developers and operators based on the research findings.
Keywords/Search Tags:MOBA mobile game, Uses and Gratification Theory, Expectation-confirmation model, continuance motivation
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