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Metrology Analysis Of The Master's Degree Thesis Of Tennis Techniques And Tactics In China From 2008 To 2018

Posted on:2021-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330620969518Subject:Sports teaching
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In recent years,China 's women 's tennis has achieved gratifying results year by year,but the men 's tennis has not been able to make breakthroughs,indicating that there is an uneven development in China 's tennis,and the overall level still needs to be improved.Technical and tactical indicators are the core part of measuring athletes' competitive ability.If China's competitive tennis wants to break through the status quo,it is necessary to fully analyze the technical and tactical shortcomings of Chinese tennis players and the advantages of foreign top-level athletes in the world.In today's society,the development of everything is inseparable from the guidance of science and technology,and science and technology are the primary productive forces.Master's degree thesis has high academic representation,and systematically analyzes its internal laws,which is an important channel to improve the research level of tennis technology and tactics in China.This study uses the relevant theories of bibliometrics to organize and analyze the master's degree thesis of tennis techniques and tactics in different periods in China,which is conducive to grasping the research results and development status in this field,and provides the future writing and selection of master's degree thesis in this field.reference.At the same time,from the perspective of philology,the research hotspots of selected papers are evaluated to provide a prediction for the development direction of tennis techniques and tactics.In this study,through the literature data method,mathematical statistics method,bibliometric analysis method,logical analysis method and other research methods,383 master degree thesis on tennis techniques and tactics from 2008 to 2018 are organized and analyzed,and the publication year and research unit are counted.,Author's major,research methods,research hotspots,citation analysis,summed up the development law and existing problems of tennis technical and tactical degree thesis,explore the future research and development space of tennis technical and tactics,and provide a certain theoretical reference for the research of subsequent scholars in China.The research conclusion is as follows:(1)The degree thesis of tennis technology and tactics in China showed an increasing trend from 2008 to 2018.Among them,the master degree thesis of tennis technology and tactics in 2012 has an intensive reference value for domestic scholars.(2)The amount of papers of sports professional colleges should far exceed thatof comprehensive colleges and normal colleges,which shows that China's tennis technology and tactics academic community is too concentrated,and the scientific research level of major universities is not balanced.(3)As far as the "author" index of the selected thesis is concerned,the proportion of postgraduates majoring in physical education and training is close to two-thirds,far exceeding that of postgraduates majoring in physical education and sports training.This situation also explains the difference between academic graduates and professional masters in cultivating the focus and scientific research level.(4)Judging from the information reflected in the citations,there are some deficiencies in the attention,reference and utilization of the new knowledge and foreign literature research results in the master degree thesis of tennis technology and tactics in China.The aging speed of literature is slow and the available time is long.(5)In terms of the selected "research method" indicators of the paper,the master's degree thesis of tennis technology and tactics in China is good at using multiple methods,and the types of methods are gradually developing toward diversification,but the use of new types of methods is not yet skilled and in-depth It shows that the research methods of Chinese scholars in this field are still in the preliminary stage.(6)From the perspective of research hotspots,indicators such as serving,receiving,holding phase and key points are still the focus of tennis technical and tactical research.(7)According to the keywords of the master thesis research in tennis technology and tactics,as far as tennis is concerned,the individual performance of elite athletes in major competitions leads the development trend of technology and tactics;comprehensive athletic ability and regional factors,the excellent Japanese tennis players Zhigui 's technical and tactical presentation features are of high reference value to Chinese male athletes.Therefore,the index of "outstanding tennis players" is still a hot spot for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:dissertation, tennis, technique and tactics, bibliometric
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