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Research On The Impact Of Corporate Income Tax Policy On Corporate Charitable Donation Behavior

Posted on:2020-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H JiangFull Text:PDF
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After 40 years of reform and opening up,Chinese enterprises have grown into a very important force in the economy.The power of enterprises has become more and more important.After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008,some enterprises made a large number of donations and organized employees to enter.The rescue operations in the disaster areas have been praised by the people of the country,and the charitable donations of enterprises have also attracted people's attention.The study of the relationship between corporate income tax policies and corporate charitable donations has also begun to increase in the academic world.The 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to build a social governance system in which the government and the society jointly build and share governance.The importance of enterprises as an important subject in social governance is self-evident.It is a part of building a social governance system to encourage enterprises to carry out charitable donations through tax policies to promote the development of public welfare undertakings.This paper analyzes the motives of corporate charitable donations from three aspects,and analyzes the impact mechanism of corporate income tax policy on corporate charitable donations.It selects the data of China's A-share listed companies from 2013 to 2016,constructs a double logarithmic model,and conducts empirical analysis.The donations of enterprises under different income conditions(net profit)and different donor price conditions(the actual income tax rate of enterprises),and consider the different total operating income,corporate characteristics,the largest shareholder share of the company and some financial performance.Under the influence of the net profit of the enterprise and the actual corporate income tax rate on the donation amount,it is found that the corporate charitable donation is positively related to the net profit,negatively related to the actual income tax rate of the enterprise,positively related to the operating income,positively related to the financial performance,and positively related to the corporate characteristics.,has nothing to do with the proportion of the largest shareholder.Compared with the foreign charity donation enterprise inc ome tax system,there are still some shortcomings in China.Based on the evidence and the actual situation in China,this paper proposes to use the operating income as the basis for deduction,broaden the scope of pre-tax deduction,and promulgate rules for all kinds of donations.Improve the corporate income tax policy for charitable donations in China by establishing a good taxation business environment,formulating preferential policies for specific industries,and broadening the ways for enterprises to participate in charitable donations.
Keywords/Search Tags:charitable donation, Enterprise income tax, Net profit
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