The community economy has been concerned by more and more enterprises.The development of the Internet has accelerated the rise of the virtual brand community.The virtual brand community provides a channel for users to acquire user knowledge and provides users with a platform for participating in product innovation.More and more enterprises carry out innovation,marketing and interaction with users through the virtual brand community.Such as the beginning of Xiaomi,we should seize some creative enthusiasm of smart phone enthusiasts,and constantly stimulate and strengthen its participation in the heat,and get the first product and continuous product innovation power and brand communication advantages from users.For enterprises,we can effectively improve the level of enterprise innovation and innovation by finding and acquiring users' needs for related products and integrating them into the process of product innovation.The research on the impact of users participating in the virtual brand community on product innovation has gradually become a hot spot.Firstly,the connotation of the concept of virtual brand community,users participate in product innovation and virtual brand community users to participate in product innovation and related research were summarized by literature review,and the influence of the virtual brand community users to participate in product innovation factors analyze and summarize,provide a theoretical basis for the next game model.Next,we analyze the behavior of user participation in product innovation in the virtual brand community.In this study,user participation in innovation behavior is represented by knowledge interaction between users and enterprises in the virtual brand community.In the three stage of product innovation,considering the interaction between users and enterprises,the knowledge characteristics are different,but other factors are the same.Therefore,a common game model is built,and its model is simulated and analyzed,and on this basis,the mechanism is designed.Finally,taking Haier virtual community as a case,it analyzes the mechanism of user participation in product innovation,and puts forward suggestions for Haier community optimization,which provides a meaningful reference mechanism for other virtual brand communities to make product innovation.The research shows that in the evolutionary game system,by controlling some factors that influence users and enterprises' participation in product innovation and establishing a perfect incentive mechanism,the system will evolve towards a stabledirection.In the probability of the participation of enterprises and users of probability influence each other and with the increasing of the other party and increase,Increasing the amount interactive knowledge and interaction frequency between users and enterprises,reduce speculative gains and improve the user's ability to innovate and set up the perfect excitation mechanism can promote the participation of both sides to take stable strategy. |