Arise of network economy promotes a trend in online shopping,along with problems.Surveys from CNNIC show that the lack of trust in online shopping has become an increasingly serious problem,which leads to a heated discussion among scholars on how to build trust on online retailers.According to Social Interaction Theory and Social Exchange Theory,trust is established based on mutual interactions and building trust in an online context is the same.Network interaction plays an important role in building trust and influencing customers' purchase decisions during online shopping.This paper studies the relations between online interaction,trust and purchase intention,so as to provide suggestions for improving online shopping service.The paper classifies the factor interactivity into three dimensions,including customer-website interactivity(CWI),customer-supplier interactivity(CSI)and customer-customer interactivity(CCI).The paper classifies trust into two dimensions: cognitive trust(CT)and affective trust(AT).Based on Stimulus-Organism-Response model,we set up an hypothesized Interactivity-Trust-Purchase Intention model.The questionnaires are given out through the online survey website So-Jump and 239 questionnaires are collected.The paper makes path analysis and mediating effect test with SPSS 22.0 and Amos 21.0 and gets results as follows.The research results show that CWI,CSI and CCI positively affects people's cognitive trust during online shopping,while don't have a direct impact on affective trust.Both cognitive trust and affective trust positively affects purchase intention and cognitive trust has a positive influence on affective trust.Trust partially plays as a mediating variable in the model.Such results provide guidance for online retailers to further understand people's online buying behaviors and to improve their service and products.Here are some suggestions for online retailers.Firstly,online retailers should improve the website design such as page layout and refresh fluency.Secondly,online retailers should improve responsiveness and mutuality,such as providing all-day online service and regular customer service training,to ensure the quality of customer service.Thirdly,online retailers should increase some communication channels for customers themselves,such as setting up online groups and offline gatherings.Above solutions can help customers build cognitive trust,along with affective trust,and finally motivating people's intention to purchase goods and service. |