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An Empirical Study On The Influence Of WeChat Interaction On Consumers’ Purchase Intention

Posted on:2018-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518453743Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Internet is developing very rapidly,which has brought about many changes in people’s lives,such as eating,shopping,mobile payment,travel,especially in the way of communication between people is very obvious.The traditional interpersonal communication is usually carried out in a face-to-face manner,which allows people to make use of all sensory systems to identify the emotions,attitudes and intentions of each other.But Internet turned this communication interaction into a Internet mediated communication,which is a new way of making the two sides unable to use the sensory system to judge each other.More and more people,especially after 90 people are more inclined to use social software to communicate,and the interaction between merchants and buyers have gradually adopted the Internet as a medium for.WeChat public platform is to come into being in this context was created,so now a large number of businesses began to open their own micro signal and interact with the public platform by WeChat stakeholders.When consumers access to businesses WeChat public platform to collect the information they want goods / services,they will first come into contact with the business of WeChat public platform under the self-service menu.Consumers can use the information from the self-service menu to access their own purchase decision information,this interaction is the form of interaction between consumers and businesses WeChat public platform.In addition to this kind of interaction,consumers will consult businesses on the platform of WeChat public customer service representative,this kind of interactive personalized information consultation based on communication types belong to consumers and businesses on the WeChat customer service manual.In addition,the merchant will push to the consumer through the WeChat public platform to push the introduction of products / services.Consumers can at the end of this forum message reply and questions,so that consumers can share with other consumer experience and information,then the interaction type is between consumer and consumer interaction.More and more businesses to open their own WeChat public numbers and operate their own WeChat public number.They invest a lot of money,time,manpower,and so on,the question is whether these inputs are worth it.Another important issue is how businesses interact with consumers through this virtual interaction.Because only the substantial impact on the actual purchase behavior of consumers have meaning.In this study,we use the theory of social interaction,the theory of buyer’s purchase decision-making process,and the technology acceptance model.Next,this study designed a targeted questionnaire,most of this questionnaire is to adopt a more mature foreign questionnaire and appropriate modifications.After collecting a large amount of data,we use SPSS and Amos to analyze and verify the data.In this paper,we examine the relationship between the three types of interaction and consumer trust attitude,and the influence of consumer trust attitude on the purchase intention of WeChat.In addition,this paper also verifies the relationship between each interaction factor and each variable,and also verifies the relationship between each variable and consumer behavior intention.The conclusions of the empirical study include:(1)The interaction between the consumer and the WeChat public platform can positively influence the perception of the customer’s trust.(2)The interaction between consumers and merchants WeChat public platform did not test the positive perception of the perception of the trust.(3)The interaction between consumers has a positive impact on consumers’ perception of the business.(4)Consumer’s trust attitude positively influences their purchase intention.(5)The use of WeChat’s public platform and consumer interaction will have a positive impact on consumer purchase intention.Based on the data analysis on a careful analysis of the research background of WeChat marketing,and puts forward some practical suggestions for business use of WeChat public platform on purchase intention,which can also provide a guide for WeChat marketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:WeChat, Public platform, Interactivity, Trust, Purchase intention, Concern
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