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Research On The Germplasm Resources And Medicinal Materials Quality Of Atractylodes In Liaoning

Posted on:2021-05-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C DengFull Text:PDF
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Purpose:In this experiment,the genus atractylodes liaoning was taken as the main research object.By studying the contents of volatile components and water-soluble components of atractylodes liaoning,the differences of chemical components of atractylodes liaoning were discussed.Meanwhile,the biological traits of atractylodes rhizome were measured and calculated to explore the relationship between biological traits and chemical components.This paper took the leaves of atractylodes liaoning as the object of study,and used DNA barcoding to identify the sequences suitable for identification of atractylodes liaoning.To solve the confusion of atractylodes atractylodes in liaoning province from two aspects of chemical composition and molecular biology,to provide the basis for cultivating high-quality atractylodes atractylodes and improving the quality of medicinal materials.Materials and methods:1 Material:The experimental materials of this project are 18 batches of rhizomes and leaves of atractylodes atractylodes of different species and ecological types.Identified as Atractylodes japonica koidz.ex Kitam,Atractylodes coreana(Nakai)Kitam,Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.)DC.(introduction and cultivation),Atractylodes chinensis(Bunge)Koidz,The medicinal part was dried rhizome,and the specimen was preserved in the laboratory of traditional Chinese medicine resources of liaoning university of traditional Chinese medicine.2 Methods:2.1 The textual research of rhizoma atractylodes was completed by consulting ancient books and the distribution of medicinal resources of rhizoma atractylodes in liaoning province was studied.2.2 18 is determined by gas chromatography of main volatile components in Chinese atractylodes rhizome beta eucalyptus alcohol Chinese atractylodes rhizoma atractylodis ketone content,using analysis of variance of LSD method and S-N-K method are compared,and two,the Euclidean distance between groups using square connection test distance and clustering method to cluster analysis,using the doublevariable correlation analysis of Spearman correlation on the data analysis of the correlation,for not using analysis of variance of data using the nonparametric test of Kruskal Wallis H-test and rank and inspection were analyzed.2.3 the main water-soluble component of atractyloside A in rhizome of atractylodes was determined by high performance liquid chromatography(evaporative photodetector),and the results were tested by kruskal-wallis H in non-parametric test and correlation analysis2.4 based on DNA barcoding technology,the total DNA was extracted from the leaves of plants of the genus atractylosa,the ITS2 psba-trnh matk rbc L4 sequence fragments were amplified and the results of forward and backward sequencing were collated and processed by DNAMAN 8.0 MEGA 6.0 software,and the system cluster tree was constructed by adjacency method and the Kimura 2-parameter genetic distance was calculated2.5 the vernier calipers were used to determine rhizome length and rhizome thickness of rhizome for biological traits of atractylodes rhizome,and the number of cinnabar points per unit area was calculated.The Spearman correlation of bivariate correlation analysis was used for correlation analysis of the data,which was combined with the content of chemical components to analyze the relationship between the two.Results:1 By looking at the ancient and modern books textual research base of rhizoma atractylodis source textual research origin change efficacy research processing methods research,applied research we found rhizoma atractylodis in dictionaries in Cuba,and the progenitor of records,and atractylodes collectively known as,has a history of more than 2000 years history since the North and South dynasty in rhizoma atractylodis,and Ming dynasty is called,in the qing dynasty and clear in use today by rhizoma atractylodis origin change and so on carries on the textual research,clear origin pharmacological action and clinical application of rhizoma atractylodis form,as to provide theoretical basis for the use of rhizoma atractylodis and provide reference to improve the quality of rhizoma atractylodis medicinal materials.2.The results of cluster analysis showed that the four species of atractylodes were clustered into one category,and The division between wild and cultivated atractylodes was not obvious,and the division between leaf crack and leaf non-crack was not obvious.The results showed that the content of atractylodes atractylodes was significantly different from that of rhizoma corydalis and rhizoma corydalis.There were significant differences in the content of atractylodes atractylodes.There was no significant difference in the content of atractylodes in cultivated products.The content of atractylodes atractylodes was significantly different from that of atractylodes atractylodes.There were significant differences in cineol content between atractylodes rhizome and atractylodes rhizome.Compared with cultivated atractylodes atractylodes,wild atractylodes atractylodes has a high content of wild atractylodes atractylodes,and there is no significant difference between wild atractylodes atractylodes and cultivated atractylodes atractylodes.The results of bivariate correlation analysis showed that there was a negative correlation between atractylodes and atractylodes.3.The determination results showed that the content of atractylosides A in the genus atractylodes liaoning was generally low,and there was no significant difference in the content of atractylosides A among the species of atractylodes corydalis,atractylodes corydalis,atractylodes corydalis,and atractylodes corydalis.There was no significant difference between rhizoma corydalis,rhizoma corydalis and rhizoma corydalis,butthere was significant difference between wild rhizoma corydalis and cultivated rhizoma corydalis,and wild rhizoma corydalis was better than cultivated rhizoma corydalis.4 The identification results of four species of atractylodes were obtained by using the sequence fragment ITS2 psb A-trn H mat K rbc L.The sequence fragments of ITS2 had a good ability to identify the four species of atractylodis with clear clustering and obvious classification among each species,while the sequence fragments of the three species of psb A-trn H mat K rbc L had chaotic inter-species and inter-species cohesion clustering with no obvious division among each species5 Through the root of Chinese atractylodes rhizome long,stout,and cinnabar point number per unit area of three kinds of biological indicators and volatile composition and water-soluble components of two kinds of chemical composition indexes bivariate correlation analysis results showed that rhizoma atractylodis element were very significant positive correlation with root length,rhizoma atractylodis element with vermilion point number per unit area was significantly positive correlation,the other no correlation between the biological character and chemical composition.Conclusions:1 By looking at ancient books textual research completed the base source textual research of rhizoma atractylodis origin change efficacy research processing methods,Cuba is application research for rhizoma atractylodis beginning in huang glosses,northern and southern dynasties to song dynasty in shaanxi area,after the song dynasty grow everywhere,now throughout the northeast north central China region effect aspects such as the spleen and clearing damp effect in use today,such as processing,in making water Fried coke in use today,other processing method using fewer,Cuba application of rhizoma atractylodis pain rheumatism effect is remarkable2 There is one or more basic plants of a kind of medicinal materials,and the quality of medicinal materials is related to a variety of basic plants.Plants of the same genus are similar in morphology and chemical composition.In the process of artificial cultivation,it is very possible to produce confusion of planting varieties.If the circulation in the market at the same time will have a great impact on the quality of medicinal materials.This study was the first to determine the volatile constituents of four species of atractylodes from liaoning.Volatile chemical composition content through cluster analysis,variance analysis and correlation analysis,get through chemical composition can solve the problem of wild and cultivated varieties of rhizoma atractylodis chaos in liaoning province,at the same time have a certain correlation between volatile chemical composition,hints by controlling the medicinal materials in some of the chemical composition of the content can be indirectly controlled indexes ingredient content,the cultivation of high quality medicinal materials have important significance.3 The quality of medicinal materials is usually judged by the determination of their index components,while some chemical components with certain pharmacological effects are often ignored.This study measured the water-soluble components of atractylodes atractylodes,and found that there were some differences between wild and cultivated atractylodes atractylodes,indicating that natural growth was more beneficial to the accumulation of certain components than artificial cultivation,laying a foundation for the development and utilization of water-soluble components ofatractylodes atractylodes.4 Compared with the traditional identification methods,DNA barcoding identification technology has the advantages of high speed and accuracy.In this study,four species of atractyloides in liaoning province were identified through the sequence fragments ITS2,psb A-trn H,mat K and rbc L,and ITS2 was obtained as the most suitable sequence fragment for the identification of atractyloides.However,the sequence system clustering tree of psb A-trn H,mat K and rbc L showed that the classification of each species was not clear and could not be classified as a branch.Therefore,it cannot be used as an effective sequence to identify plants of the genus atractylodes.5 Some indexes of biological traits of plants can often reflect the content of chemical components,while the content of chemical components can reflect the quality of medicinal materials.In this study,rhizome length,rhizome thickness and the number of cinnabar points per unit area of atractylodes were measured and calculated.It was found that the longer rhizome of atractylodes atractylodes,the higher the content of index components,and the higher the number of cinnabar points per unit area.It is of great significance to cultivate high quality medicinal materials of atractylodes atractylodes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Atractylodes, Volatile components, Water-soluble components, DNA barcoding, Quality, Correlation analysis
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