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Research On The Practice Of Smart Communities From The Perspective Of Holistic Governance

Posted on:2021-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330620462991Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the continuous development of information technology means,intelligent community governance has stepped up to a new level.In 2014,the Ministry of Housing and Construction issued the Guidelines for the Construction of Smart Communities,which put forward a framework for the construction of smart communities in China as a whole,refined the content of the construction of smart communities,and put forward an evaluation index system for the construction of smart communities.In 2018,the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that strengthening the construction of community governance system and promoting the deep integration of modern technology and community governance are the most important issues in discussing community governance.However,smart community governance is not achieved overnight.There are still some problems in smart community governance in China,such as poor coordination,poor management interaction channels and more fragmentation.With the continuous development of new public theory,the theory of holistic governance emerges as the times require to solve the practical problems of government governance.Its core idea is to take citizen’s needs as the direction of governance,information technology as the means of governance,coordination,integration and responsibility as the governance mechanism,and to govern levels,functions and public and private sectors.The fragmentation of relations and information systems should be coordinated and integrated organically,breaking through departmental barriers,integrating resources and information of various departments on the basis of bureaucracy,and providing services to citizens.It emphasizes the re-integration of services,the overall and coordinated decision-making mode and the extensive digital electronic administrative operation.Its concept fits the idea of intelligent community governance,can solve many problems arising from fragmentation in intelligent community governance,and effectively guide the practice of intelligent community governance.From the perspective of holistic governance,this paper analyses the role of "community communication" platform in the integration of organizational functions,information resources and public and private sectors.It responds to the needs of residents holistically,promotes the cooperation and Co-governance of multiple subjects,strengthens the sharing of information resources,and encourages the participation of Intelligent Community Governance subjects.This paper expounds the Enlightenment of "community communication" to the theory and practice of Holistic Governance from five aspects of co-governance and improving the service system of wise community governance,and shows that "community communication" plays a better role in the practice of wise community governance.Therefore,this paper mainly explores the governance concept of smart community governance in the new era,and demonstrates the better role of "community communication" in smart community governance from the perspective of Holistic Governance theory,which provides a theoretical perspective for the future progress of smart community governance,and constructs optimization strategies to further enhance the effectiveness of smart community governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Holistic Governance, Intelligent Community Governance
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