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Exploration On Easing The Financing Difficulties Of Micro,small And Medium Enterprises

Posted on:2018-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L YiFull Text:PDF
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The development of Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises in China faces various constraints,especially for financing.The Micro,Small And Medium enterprise financial services district of Guangzhou is the first to unite government,institutions,enterprises and businesses.By using modern information technology to build platforms,we will establish an innovative mechanism to alleviate the financing challenges of Micro,Small And Medium enterprises,and promote the transformation and upgrading of industries.This paper focuses on the financial service area's establishment,background,purpose,operation mechanism,operational effectiveness and operational difficulties,summarizes the general experiences for other financial ser vice area to refer,and puts forward perfect operation suggestions combined with academic research.This paper first analyzes the causes,background,purpose and operation mechanism based on the literature review,then summarizes the operational effectiveness,from the basic construction and platform construction,demand side change and the supply side change to measure effectiveness,and summarizes the general experience.Finally,pointing out the operation difficulties,combined with domestic and foreign experience to make recommendations.In this paper,the following conclusions are drawn:(1)Chinese economic growth momentum,industrial structure is being adjusted,while Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises gathered in Guangzhou District of Zengcheng.The pressure of industrial concentration transformation is great,and financing problems are prominent.Zengcheng Micro,Small a nd Medium Enterprises formal financial coverage is narrow,thus informal financial contradiction is usual.Zengcheng,the first dis trict in Guangzhou,which is a financial city with high reputation,to establish an integrated financial services area to improve the financing of Micro,Small a nd Medium Enterprises.(2)Guangzhou Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises financial services area is around two targets.The establishment of service area management company is responsible for the park construction,operation and policy implementation.According to the internal and external difficulties of financing,the introduction of the "financia l" and "intelligence" two institutions cluster set up financing to alleviate the convergence of financial and intellectual demand,supply and service to reduce the information asymmetry mechanism.(3)In May 2014,the financial services area sets up,and infrastructure currently has completed more than half.It builds a batch of platform of easing the asymmetric information,as well as using modern information technology to set up a group of gathering information,research industry,establish expert intelligence service library.Service enterprises totaled more than 3800,lending amounted to around 5 billion yuan.By collecting and analyzing data from research,Yearbook and other channels,the financing requirements,satisfaction has been improved before the establishment of the service area.The weighted average financing cost has been co ntrolled from about 25% to around 13%.The supply rate is stable and the amount of money has risen significantly,which shows tha t the control of financing cost is mainly the widening of financing channels.(4)Operational difficulties are as follows: F irst,the service district management company position is unclear.Second,Micro,Small a nd Medium Enterprises financial awareness is weak.Third,lack of professional personne l in service areas.For operational difficulties,this paper suggests as follows:(a)The government combines private capital to ease financing difficulties.(b)Building a successful case to encourage enterprises to cultivate their own financial consciousness.(c)Ensuring the status of policy organization of the financial service district management company.(d)Setting up government guided funds to provide public products to alleviate the difficult problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guangzhou Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises financial service, Financing difficulty, Transformation and upgrading, Exploration
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